Friday, July 24, 2009 Y 7:01 AM WTF IS WRONG WITH THE POSTING PAGE. PSH. Okay so I realise I haven't been paying attention at all for the whole week. DIE. DIE. I was spamming like whole lot of people on facebook during a 2hour lesson just now. OH, and so soccer was fun! Soh thinks that whenever a ball hits him, it'd be me. :D LOL, he loves me so much. Oh, and Sun Young said that CAB is scared of me. HHAHAHHAHAHHA. Prolly I made him feel inferior to me I guess. It was art critique and so he criticize la mine.. Then I object his idea and then yeah he started talking about objecting his ideas and doing it in a friendly manner and so forth. DUDE, I WAS JUMPING UP AND DOWN. How friendly sia he want me to be? xD OH, Lunch at NUS was not that bad. And just now went out with Aisyah. Damn fail la me. Hahaha, wonder if she blogged about it. Oh and on WED, I kena scolded cause I was talking to myself. Well, I was mumbling la to Chris and she can't hear me so it's the same as talking to myself. So DT scolded me and Chris cause she thought we were talking while she's talking. WTF, Chris was like so damn blurr cause all the while she has been taking notes. Joke sia. AND FISH, Malay simply sucks. Have to change bloody timeslot for her. WTF. I'm not gona be plastic here but seriously, there's no way I'm gona like pray for anything (for her). All I know now is my Mum's birthday is on Sunday. :D :D :D Monday, July 20, 2009 Y 7:12 AM Oh after a super super funny day, I really broke down. Bloody hell. I was on the way home, and suddenly everything came back to me. My loss, my dreams, my secrets and all miracles that I've seen before my very eyes. I really wept at that memory of the loss of someone, although not related by blood, cause I knew it'll be coming. Cause I had a dream about telling me so. And I remembered my mum giving me that 'you-should-have-told-me-you-saw-that-kinda-dream' look. Ugh. And I remembered last year, I cried like shit when I lost someone else and had to skip school to attend the funeral. Why oh why must I see all the miracles. And all the secrets to miracles. RAWR. Kay stop emoing. KAY THE BEST PART TODAY WAS.... Hitting Mr Soh's balls. He was like so cool after I hit him. Y: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! HAHAHHAHAHHA S: It's okay. :) Y: I really missed you, Mr Soh!! ^^v S: No you dont. You hit me! Other than that, I kena bullied by Semi. She beat my hand. REAL BAD. It was redder than normal. OH ya, a ball was named after me. HAHHAHA, Ethel called one of the school's soccer ball REDHAYANNI. Cause it's really red. Oh oh Chris and me kena scolded for making so much noise in class. Apparently someone complained about it too. AND cause of that, me and Chris and Bev had the stupidest convo. xD OHHH and how can I forget, Zik bloody bullied me the whole bloody day. So anti me. -.-.-.-.-.- AND he's ego like wtf. HAHHAHA, if Zik reads this he's going to hate me more. xD HECK LA. He bloody made me run after him for my bloody phone. WTF LA. Oh and end of the day, after that enjoyable soccer time, I went home with Bryan and Kat. <3 Hahahahahah, that's all folks. OHHH yes, how can I forget.. Yesterday I kena laughed at cause Hairul, my primary sch friend, didn't believe I'm the striker of my school's team. -.-.-.-.-.- This kid really deserve smacking sia. He thinks I would join band or sth. COOL PER, TELL ME. Bye ;D Sunday, July 19, 2009 Y 12:13 AM ![]() ![]() Yesterday was my aunt's birthday plus engagement day! I've always thought of her as somebody so perfect. Seriously, to me, she's perfect. And I told her that at midnight of her birthday. Guess she didn't know she was a perfect person to me until now. That's why she told me she cried when she read my msg. Apparently she look like my mum when my mum got engaged/married. Idk! My mum was around 15 or 16 when she was engaged. It wasn't matchmade, it was really love for my mum. Got married at around 18 or 19, and got me when she was 20. OKAY enough about my mum. WELL, my aunt. I LOVE MY AUNT. Yesterday was a pretty busy day and very enjoyable day. Hahaha, Cik Arman gave durians as one of the gift exchanged. HAHHAHAHHA joke sia Cik Arman. His parents really have some kind of farm in Johor. Yep, durians included. :D Oh and I was dead tired. I really just dropped dead when I hit my bed. Hmm, can I not update properly? RAAR. Kay I'm super lazy so I shall say that this week is the stupidest thing in my life so far. CAUSE I did lots of stupid things in sch. :D Bye. Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Y 5:27 AM MONDAY. 6.07 Ice cream cake + photos + food + lame crap + matching underwear = my sis' birthday ! TUESDAY. 7.07 ![]() ![]() ![]() Picto1 ; The ahpeks. Picto2 ; Hey ho camera! Picto3 ; I dont know what to say but it's my fav. Zik looks cool though he was actually looking at me cause I was laughing like siao. Aisyah completes the picture ;D I LOVE IT. ESP AFT I EDITTED. WEDNESDAY. 8.07 Date with Katt. HAHA. 69 hotline + kelsey + kids. Failed moments. (I'm sorry I dont bother to rotate) Picto1 ; me. Picto2 ; kang raye. Picto3 ; pretty chrissy. Picto4 ; You'll get the picture if I had rotated it in the first place. Damn fail. FRIDAY. 10.07 Two ponytails is the source of all happiness and retardedness. IT'S TRUE. Picto1 ; Celebrated Wenli's and Chris' Birthday at WCP Picto2 ;Chokichoki in Mother Tongue class Picto3 ; I told her I wouldnt buy her food if she dont let me take a pic with her Picto4 ; PotaTomato and Sun Young and Semi Picto5 ; Influencing Wardaaaaah <\3 Picto1 ; I LOVE MY AUNT. (Oh and I thought that I'd be meeting her the day before but my mum cheat my feelings. :( ) Picto2 ; I LOVE HIM TOO. Picto3 ; That goodbye pic. HAHHA. OH and I was quiet throughout the whole party cause I was pissed. I'M SO SORRY. xD SUNDAY. 12.07 Mugging the whole day. Kay no, just homework. Picto1 ; Sis thinks she looks thin. -.- Picto2 ; HAHA, my lovely new specs though it's kinda a lil too clear. KAY NO MORE PICS. All words now. :D Well, yesterday was fun. TODAY WAS FUNNER. :D Cause when I thought I was PMSing, (seriously, I really felt like yelling at the GNC's stall holder cause she always piss me off and I need revenge) I was lifted up by my own boredism and idea. Me; Let's play Truth or Dare. No make it Truth or Truth. Chris; Nah, Truth or Dare. So my pencil was sacrificed and yep! I took the first dare of course. I was supposed to ask Ivy to allow me go toilet. Then play with Kangraye's hair (who was sitting in front of me). Then go back to the back of the class. And walk out from the back door. And sing Nobody to Spencer. Apparently I was too loud. XD KECOHRABLES. xDxDxD Kay that's all ar. And I skipped quiz so that I could be with Aisyah during Chem Enrichment. Ms Teh hates me. I make too much noise. Kay I'm tired. Love you. xoxo Sunday, July 5, 2009 Y 10:33 PM OMG IM BLOGGING AGAIN. Best ar. Finally after a week of MIA. Fun stuff the whole of first week. And of course highing after sch and before sch with my bestie :) Hahaha, eh I pay attention in class kay! Macam paham. Mm, orchad on Wednesday. Kecoh sia. Of course, with Hilda in the gang. :D Everything kecoh ar. So sad I missed Katt. HMPH bitch sia. xD Nvm, tmr I shall see her. Olevel was alright. But I was more interested in camwhoring after that. Hahaha, Queensway got nice pics to take kay. :D And yes, maybe I should consider being a photographer than model. HAHHAHAHA. MACAM REAL. The whole thing (olevel) was a screwup. I made the teachers laugh like seriously. They asked a question. Then I answered ar, confident like cock liddat (quoted from Nick). Then after one sentence, I Blurrking forgot the question. So I have to ask la again. Paiseh dok! But I didnt want to ans out of topic too. So when I asked, raaaaaaaaaar, they started laughing at me. BIMBO. Muke lawa. Perangai selenge. Psh. Yep, me and zik actually wanted to leave sch damn early ar for lunch bfore olvl. HAHAHA, skip ENG lesson because ____ :D So we dragged the rest of the malay peeps ar. Hahaha, kecoh I tell you! Lunchios at Commonwealth. :D IT WAS A MEMORABLE DAY. <3 Wells, I'm sad I dont get to sit beside Chrissyyyy. :( But oh wells, I'm with Ethel so it wont be so bad. Hahaha, I tell you being placed at the side is TERRIBLE. Besides Ethel, I could only talk to the window. Mm, on monday was CWP with bestie :) Funnnn print picxies. And talk crap all dayyy. I love you bestie :) WHOOO WEEEEEEEEE. Oh oh, baby book a day with me please. Last words, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SIS TODAY. :D which reminds me.. Chris' bday coming up and my aunt's too! PLUS I'm getting new specs next week. And contacts at the end of this year. |
colourful ![]() (RED)hayanni I love dark chocolates . I love believing in fairytales . I love my sweethearts . ongoing ESCAPADES \m/DEXNNY♥\m/ Afiqah(Andalus)\m/ Afiqah(GWPSjunior)\m/ \m/AISYAH♥\m/ Angela\m/ Basirah\m/ Casmelin\m/ Charlene\m/ Cheryl Lin\m/ Choy Jing\m/ Christine\m/ Christine(NUSH)\m/ Chua\m/ Dayne\m/ Dillon\m/ Ethel\m/ Farhana\m/ Fatin\m/ Feyra\m/ Firdatullah\m/ \m/GEN♥\m/ Haikal\m/ Harshaana\m/ Hidayah\m/ Hilda\m/ Iffah\m/ Kim\m/ Liyana\m/ Qian Ci\m/ Ryan Ong\m/ Sakeenah\m/ Sarah\m/ Semi\m/ Shahid\m/ Shari\m/ Sourav\m/ Thea\m/ Vanessa\m/ Wardah\m/ Warmil\m/ Widia\m/ XiaoHan\m/ \m/YANNA♥\m/ \m/YU JIA♥\m/ Yu Quan\m/ Yusadilah\m/ Yuwen\m/ Zaki\m/ Zikz\m/ M07105!\m/ into the past %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 %u2605March 2009 %u2605April 2009 %u2605May 2009 %u2605June 2009 %u2605July 2009 %u2605August 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |