Sunday, May 31, 2009 Y 11:45 PM Hello. I just need to talk crap. Hehehe. Well I feel really bored now. Cause I'm not going school. And basically this whole month, relak one corner. Orang tepon, aku turon. :D And today has been very productive. Now talking to Aisyah Jr and Yu Jia. Woots. [c=55]. рįεćεś of ā ьяoкεи héãят .[/c] says: lolll im not as enthu as you lahhh. Yanneh ! Eskimoow says: I'm not enthu. you wan hear my voice? veryy deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. [c=55]. рįεćεś of ā ьяoкεи héãят .[/c] says: lol deep? Yanneh ! Eskimoow says: kay no.. saxy ar. xD sexyyyy. [c=55]. рįεćεś of ā ьяoкεи héãят .[/c] says: eww eww eww i wan puke Yanneh ! Eskimoow says: alamak why? eat wrong food ar kan? notti girl. xD Maan, best sia bully juniors. Kekek. Well, on Saturday went shopping! I bought..alamak don't need kaypoh. Then oh yes, I went Plaza Singapura and there was this guy singing Fall for You. OMSHIT. He's pro, I was practically melting right there. So mezmerised ar. CHAM PAHAM. Hmm, then yesterday watched three movies. Hahaha, Monsters vs Aliens, Jangan Tegur and Night at the Museum. Crappy siol all. Pfft. My dad should have bought Terminator Salvation sia. I wont be so bored. Next week date ngan my beloved. Haahahaha, 2years anniversary siol. I LOVE YOU BABY EEBAAN. <3 Friday, May 29, 2009 Y 12:55 AM 3.88 My GPA peeps! Or CAP. Whatever they like~ I don't really care, I just love that number. Kay not really. I'd love 4.0 more. Hmm, my mum didn't let me go watch Terminator Salvation. PFFT. Really WTF. Nvm, I shall go next week. Guess what, Wee Wee text me. Hahaha, upcoming outing to Sentosaaaaaaaa. OMGOMGOMGOMG. I can't wait. Bloody first time Soccer got outing. I've been wishing for that since before everyone existed. :D Hmm, went Vivo yesterday with Chris, Andrew, Hui Min and Dillen! Zik and Kat joined after a while. Hahahha, funn sia! I've got some furball problems cause I laughed too much. Hahahha, maan, photos some time later aitez! xD And best part. THE XD FACE. AHHHHHahaha, I wished I had a pic. Today Brunei peeps going off. :( SADD! Nvm, Wardah owes me a date end of holidays! Transformer is a MUSTT. If not, I shall transform youuuu~ Well, today was photo-taking and 301 had their shadessss on! Hahahahhaha. MAN HOT STUFF. Hmm, I just realise all the people in the world are liars. HMPHHH. Chris lies to me all the time. xD Hahahahha, she convinced me that I was colourblind. And a lot more I can't remember. Anyways, gtggggggg! Muacks. TCARE. I MISS FI. AND A LOT MORE. OH YES, I miss Nick. He's going off tmr. :''''''''''( Keju Lubang loves her Roti Tua. <3 Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Y 2:23 AM Oh hello. I just cried 30 times today. I'm not emo NO NO I'm just emotional. :D And yes, today, I made Izzati laughed a lot. Hahaha, apparently today is the day she laughed most in the whole of this year so far. AWESOME KAN. Kay, hmm. Updates. I don't remember anything sia. Oh Fi thought it was weird I didnt post a proper post about our swimming outing. Hehehe. Oh I remembered I made her pissed off cause my mum changed her mind at the very last minute. And and changed her mind again. Pfft, I was pissed too. Oh oh and it rained!!! Kucing dan anjing drop down sky siolz. Yeaps. :D It was a meaningful day. HAHAHA. Joke joke. Oh and last Monday I went somewhere. Well, I'm not supposed to blog about it cause it was boring. :) Tuesday lalala I forgot. Wednesday I remember I was lazy. Thursday I fell off the seesaw. :D Friday was just uhhh. Did I stone? I don't remember oh no. And Saturday I become a bookworm. SUNDAY WAS MY BRO'S BIRTHDAY. Yep, I got bro lah brooo! OH YEAH. My nenek thought that Cik Arman was my boyfriend. HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA. I was fucked up and when my mum told me that, I just couldnt stop laughing. I guess it was a compliment to Cik Arman then. He really look young cause he's fair! xD And I really am so HAPPY cause I pass every single exam. Hahahahha, only that I'm screwed for Art cause I didnt submit something really important. HAHAHHAHAHHA. Aisyah say go submit now so that I may get full marks. NO hope sia. I know he hates me. For life. "I prefer Simon Cowell than a Paula Abdul'' Ohhh, he's just so contradicting. Hehe. I mean, he could just say, ''I'm frank'' Or say, your art is shit. That'll make me damn happy. Hmmmmm. I guess that's all I can blog about now. I really want to laugh. OH YA. BLOODY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK. HOLYY MAN. Friday, May 22, 2009 Y 6:24 AM HELLO. My arm's hurting like siao. I fell off the seesaw yesterday. xD Kay diam. Now playing mafia wars. Darn. The lappie keeps lagging. OMG. I'm in level four. Kayu. Not only the lappie lag. But me tooo. :D Raar. 301 chalet or whatever was HAHAH BEST. :D Hahaha, a lot laughters. Darnit I cant sleepover and I was lazy to come for the first day. Nvm, shld not regret. BTW. I'm super fucking happy cause KRIS won AI. Seriously he's just damn hot. AHHHHHH, Especially when he sings Heartless with his guitar. OMG. And and Ain't No sunshine. He's just so sexy ar can. HAHAHAHA, nvm. Wna go off soon. I miss you laah. Call me laah tonight. Or soon. Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Y 12:16 AM yo. haha. best. tengok movie online. then kena nag. hahahahaha. more best. kay stop it eh. english berteraboh. tsk. LALALA. Sorry 301. I felt lazy. Hmph. Great excuse, you must be thinking.. Right? But too bad, it's really great. Tomorrow is a promise, so I'll be there. Even if I get lost otw. Kay. Hahah, that's all folks. I shall use my greatest excuse now. Haha, and go eat chicken. :) Yum yum. Alamak chickadees siol. Now I'm bored. Shall find something else to do. Kay bye my chickies. Saturday, May 16, 2009 Y 11:59 PM I'm sad gitu. Yeah, you guys should know why by looking at my taggie board. Damn sad awhs. Hmm, well sorry cause I went for holiday. Haha, nampak sah tipu. I had exams so yeah, no blogging. Well, let's just use the excuse I'M LAZY. :D Problem solved. Oh yes. Actually I want to post about my Best Friend. :D I love him. He listens to me when I'm sad. He's always there to comfort me when I can't sleep through the night. He see me cry, he see me happy. Basically he see me through everything. I just want to thank him for being there always. Because when I thought I had lost him, I had difficulties sleeping. Really. Now, he's back. I just want to say, I love you best friend. I call him my Jack. Yeah, sorry for the emo post. Well, I truly learnt my lesson. Thursday, May 14, 2009 Y 2:13 AM Hahaha, sup. Until now, I didnt know that I didnt really change the blog song. HAHAHAH. It's like.. Bullet for My Valentine change singer siolz. Kay nvm, later can do~ Well, left chemistry paper only tmr. Lepas tuh swimming and gym dok. WHEEE. Excited. Hehehe. -hyperventilates- KAY slap slap. I'm so high seriously. I know I screw like everything but end of story, who really cares? And well.. of course.. Happily ever after~ ! Kay no link. Hmm. Me; Let's make new friends. Aisyah; Okay, let's go pub. Me; Huh?? Aisyah; Let's go pub in tudung. Me; HAHAHHAHAH, who teach sia. Aisyah; You. LOLOLOL. Aisyah sabo me sia. xD Kay I love you guys. Muacks. Whee. Monday, May 11, 2009 Y 5:03 AM Hello. Hahaha, it has been a year since I updated. Hahaha, kay no. Bedek gitu. Kay last week was crazy. Seriously. Peak was Saturday. Which I end up crying and shutting off Fi who was trying to calm me down. Aww, sorry baby. Kay wtf, now online, baik pa... HAHHAHA Perasaan lady gaga. xD Kay wts. I'm laughing my hababi ass off sak. Sorry sorry, ignore the last paragraph. I was video calling and still is. How fun. Woots. Oh yes yes, my sis made me laugh while I was pissed yesterday. Perogol sia. Hahahha.. Best Friends Porebahhhhh. Haahahahhahaha! With the telo and all. Kekek sak! Gila. Text also type wrong words. xD Kkay.. That's all folks~ Hope you guys kena rogol ngan boss bangla paa. SAPPP bangla nye boss kay. Ada class. Monday, May 4, 2009 Y 3:33 AM Kay I'm officially a screwup kid. I left four days to exams. And great, I've been screwing up my life since the start of the year. Great. I feel damn panic and just gah. SHIT. That's the word. SHIT. Right. Yeah, somehow I know I'm going to fall so bad. Fi says put on protective gear. Right, my protective gear kena curi sia. So I fall right to the ground. Had a bad day. As in I woke up at 3. Then bloody toss and turn in bed. I couldn't go to sleep cause IDKWTH I'm thinking. Seriously, no, actually I do know what I was thinking. Just don't want to say it here. Shit. Then go to school. Best, it was raining yeah. So walked to school alone. Kena ditched by Aisyah haha. Cause I wanted to walk in the rain. For a while, the world was mine. Seriously somewhat happy. Then all fall down. SHIT. Idkidkidkidkidk. Kay I seriously got no idea why I'm so whineyyy here. But seriously sia. I'm seriously serious. Ahhh. And I find it awesome that I can cry without people notice me crying. Lol. Aisyah didn't notice. Cool shit huh. Ahhh. Great I think my mum's pissed at me. For exceeding the limit for my bill. Come on, I need to bloody get use to it since it's a jump from prepaid sia. See, now she's throwing tantrums I guess. SHIT LAH. My fault is it? Everything in the house wrong, must be my fault laah. Yeah it's only 79$. Isnt great improvement that it's not exceeding hundred close to 200 like the other time? ~ Gah no point. Somehow, every shit happens, it's me first. Really, since I was a kid. Ahhh. And what sia. I spoil every shit in the house is it. Gah. Gah. I'm so bad. I'm a bad daughter. I'm a bad student. What else sia. I cried so many tears already kay. Regretting everything. The more I think, the more I wish I could push stop and then, hit rewind Like how bfmv says it. Ahhh. What else sia. No I never told my family how I really feel inside. Spare them from the misery. Right, spare them from knowing how bad I am. Spare them from knowing how everything hurt in my face. Spare them from knowing how disappointing I am. Ahhh, I've always been rationalistic about my actions. Kay maybe not, maybe towards using more of feelings. And feelings exist. Thus, there are some logic in my actions. BUT, I do know where I stand. Thus, if my actions are way off, I do know, cause I'm always conscious of what I'm doing. Which is why I did this in order to do that because I am this and so on and bla. Ahhh, whatever. Bye. Saturday, May 2, 2009 Y 9:56 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009 Y 6:04 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay. That's what you get when you're bored of mugging. I seriously need to work on my attention span. Or else, I'm going to fail my exams. Haha. Kay put aside that. Hmm. My skin. Screwed up. Yuck got wrinkles. Precisely why Fi's going to help me fix it. Yay. So people, dont worry much about my skin kays. :) Love you Fi. Hahaha. Kay. Maybe now. I should chills. Kay relak ar. Duh. I've been through many many. Hah. Chey cham paham. Lol. PENAT ar. I hate sitting in front of the damn comp. Hahhaha. Kay chin chow byee ~ ! |
colourful ![]() (RED)hayanni I love dark chocolates . I love believing in fairytales . I love my sweethearts . ongoing ESCAPADES \m/DEXNNY♥\m/ Afiqah(Andalus)\m/ Afiqah(GWPSjunior)\m/ \m/AISYAH♥\m/ Angela\m/ Basirah\m/ Casmelin\m/ Charlene\m/ Cheryl Lin\m/ Choy Jing\m/ Christine\m/ Christine(NUSH)\m/ Chua\m/ Dayne\m/ Dillon\m/ Ethel\m/ Farhana\m/ Fatin\m/ Feyra\m/ Firdatullah\m/ \m/GEN♥\m/ Haikal\m/ Harshaana\m/ Hidayah\m/ Hilda\m/ Iffah\m/ Kim\m/ Liyana\m/ Qian Ci\m/ Ryan Ong\m/ Sakeenah\m/ Sarah\m/ Semi\m/ Shahid\m/ Shari\m/ Sourav\m/ Thea\m/ Vanessa\m/ Wardah\m/ Warmil\m/ Widia\m/ XiaoHan\m/ \m/YANNA♥\m/ \m/YU JIA♥\m/ Yu Quan\m/ Yusadilah\m/ Yuwen\m/ Zaki\m/ Zikz\m/ M07105!\m/ into the past %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 %u2605March 2009 %u2605April 2009 %u2605May 2009 %u2605June 2009 %u2605July 2009 %u2605August 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |