Saturday, March 28, 2009 Y 9:14 AM I LOVE MY DEARSAYANGLOVECINTA. Friday, March 27, 2009 Y 6:32 AM Hello peeps. I can't believe I cried my ass off in the MRT just now. But srsly, crying alone in the MRT felt good. Yeps. Uhm. Today was ~~ okay, I guess? I don't know. Went school yeah okay2 lame shit. Then feel dead. Then feel alive again. Cause of hahhaa. Stupid random shit in class. Bonding pa. 301 lalala love. xD Hahahah, currently sitting next to CHRIS yaw. Besssssssssssssst. :DDDDD But pity Ethel and Christineeee. Tsk different ends of classroom. :( Semi played with my eyesssssss. Hahaha. Mascara lalala. :D Best. And she made me look so spooky. Hahhahahhaa. Aww Shahid was scared. Yay! I scared a big guy. XD Kay lame Yanni laaaaaaaamee. Then off to Queensway ~~ For match.Then I dont know why I feel so down. Psh. Didnt concentrate. Yeah UGH. Shitx man. Suckky. Screwed it up srsly. GAHHH. They weren't really violent in the first place. AHHH. Then initially wanted to go sch with Kat. Then I was feeling damn emo. Esp that match. Then gaaaaaah all the dumb dumb insecure feelings come back. So yeah went home. Sorry I ditched you. :( Now at homeeeeeeeeeeeee. Doing masteringphysics. Curse this damn thing maan. Tmr going bowlinggggg whee. :D Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Y 9:57 PM Surprise surprise . :D I'm hereeeeeeee !! YESTERDAY WAS FUN(NY) ~ !!! Yeah. The funniest shithole ever. Seriously laughing from morning till night. That's why I'm so sleepy now. xD LALALALALALA. Yesterday paper was okay. I find the paper funny, really. My laughing gas tak le angs ! xD I dont know whyyy ~ Then lessons were super super lame. That's why I laughed the whole daaaaaaaay. Then went to meet BABYY ~ YAYYYY. Kay meeting baby was what the whole day was about. I tell you ar. She made me so high siolz. No one can beat her yknw hah! HAHHAHAHHAHA. "If I were a guy, I'd marry her" You got me at that laa HAHHAHAHHA. Kekek I could fall from the escalator and died laughing siaa !! xD Then go eat. I'm so cheapskate really. Hahahahahhahahah. We didnt buy drinks lah kan. So I suggested go Macs ask for free plain water. Kekek ~~~~ ! "Pretend you don't know me." And guess what. With our so sardin face, we asked for two cups each. Sedaaaaaaaap. Sorry tak jemputts. xD Then went up to timezone. I was sooo ready to get owned by her. Hahahahaha. Guitar Hero maan. 205 knows how much I suck. xD Then hahhaha. This sibei lady say, eh sorry cannock wear school skirt and play. HAHHAHHAhAH. Lawls ~ I went in sch uni before with Nick and all. Rmb those timesss siaa. Kay then we went up ar 7th storey. Like usual she talks about sakae sushi ~~ I dont want to riskkk maan. So finally yes, best part. We watch movie awhs. I still can laugh about it siaaaaa. Srsly hardcore laughingg. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA. The show was really HAHHAhAHAHHAHHAhHAhAHHAHAhAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. It was worth my 10 bucks kay!! I paid 4$ for her. Psh, still call me cheapskate. xD Then go courts lalalla survey cameras and lappie ! Hahahahahahaha. I still rmb we wanted to share the normal camera. Now I realise, tak ya suaa ehk. xD Until world ends also never save enough. Yeah. Now, Katt wants to share buy SLR. LALALA. HAHAHHAHAHAH. I don't know maan. PS ; Hahahhaahahha. Fi ~ Tak ya intro lah kay. Maybe some other time. Teehee. :D Then went home ar. ~~ Best. Lawls. Because I was tired laughing, I tried to keep myself awake hhahahah. Kay no link !!! xD I took a nap yeah. Woke up at 10. Drink coffee alamakk so smart right but srsly, taste like Macs Iced Latte ! Hahahaha puji diri sendiri tak tau maluuu ~ xD Yeap, after the coffee, I was stoning. Haahhahahahahahha. Lawls ~ Then righttt, someone called me to kiss me through the phoneeeeeeeee. Aww so sweet lah seh. HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH. And yeap, it was fun siolz otp for like 3 hours. My sis was like asking me to shut up. I mean srsly laughing my ass and shithole off !!! Dance on the bed lah bla. Oh yes, and my ass so interesting ar pshhh. Obscene obscene. xDDD Yeahss. Then we got sleepy and talk about chicken wings and how cool and uncool and blabla. And yeah, grand finalee ~~ Since it started with kiss me through the phonee, it ended with a hump. Hahahahhahahaha, yes, after that, about 1+. I went to bed, like usual, gotto console myself. And yesssarrr, I did, with happy thoughtss. :D Phys was eassssy. Hahahahha. xD Chey confident siolz. -slapslap- CANT WAIT FOR TMRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Match at queenswaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ~~ WOOTs. Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Y 3:58 AM Hello ~ ~ ~ Hahahaha this week is common test week so yeah see the slow update . Like mee . Hahaha . Yesterday night just burst into tears . Thank youuu Aisyah for being theree . Yeah , I'm so not crying over common test la can . It was smth else . Ohhh and yessssssss . Nur Aisyah Bte Mohd Nizam is now attached withhhhhh Mohd Rabak Bin Rabun ~~ ! Hehe . Suami kau cute rabak lah kan . :D Kay I'm so unsynchro lah siolz . Shall start from uhm Sundaaaaay . *cause I forgot what happened to me on Saturday . Kay I was left alone in darkness lah kan. By my DSLC. Hahaha. I felt insecure lah lawls~ I mean srsly, no one knows exactly what I'm feeling. It's NOOO fun. Though I make it sounds like fun. Hahaha. I mean like, or else, people would think I'm so nuts. So yeaaaaaah. Text Fi like shit awh then she fell asleep. And me? I went thru the torturous feeling before falling asleep. ( BTW WHERE THE SHIT IS SHE . SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE HERE AND NOW IT'S LIKE MAGRHIB LAA CAN . Yeah , I'm worried . She has been doing this to me lately , making me worried . ) So woke up. Text baby ~ blabla . She ask me teach her math. Lawls. Then my mum jenny ar lalalalala, like hers too ~ xD So end up going library. :D OMG HOW RIDICULOUS WERE WE. ~ Kay tht was random. xD I arrived first like duh ar kan. Then txt like shit. Wish I could LOL in the library but I cant. Sarcasm maaan best. =D Yeah then went to Macs first. Then went to third floor. Hahahahha. Like usual, my magic fingers ~ Fi's lappie lagg like shit but then, when I touched it, FUHHH. Got the start button to appear and thus, access to her files. Powerrrr. Next time dont asal boleh say I lagg. xDDD But srsly, you got me at ''see low'' KEKEK SIOLZ TUH. Then bla bla bla. We got caught. Then went back to library ~ Hahahhaha best. Yeah taught her A math but then she gave up. EH NOT ME KAYS. xD Then we watch Tenacious D and (at this point of time, Aisyah says hi) The Pick Of DESTINYYY. Kekekekekekek. Laugh out like shit in the library. Oh yessss. While cheesecaking too ~~~ OKAAAAY now I owe Fi syarahan and guitarhero ~~ Yay !!! =D Kay then went home. Watched Pacifier ar. Then yeah. Went to bed. Can you believe tht ?! HHAHAHAHHAH. So early and guess what I didnt sleep properly. Apparently last night too. Gah just afraid of sleeping. I'm AFRAID OF SLEEPING. How cool. Baby told me go doctor. =.= Oh yes. Yesterdaaaaay was Math Common Test. Easy. Full marks ar beh. xD Hhahahha pro goal. \m/ Kay bla bla the rest was okaaay. Haahhaha. Oooo yes. After school/soccer. Me and Rinahhhhh. " Aku minah Rinahhh . Kau siapa ? " LAWLS ~ ~ Oh yes ! Of course ! I went like, Bsh !! She went like, Bsh bsh !! And sm matreps were there, Bsh bsh bsh !! Sungguh2 laah sehhh. xD WAKAKKAKAKA. OH this morning was joke too. I had fun cursing that stupid idiot. MRT CONGESTION LAH WHT ELSE. Pshhh. And end up, we were late. And I sweat shitx. HAHAHA. Makingxyouxsweat paaaaa. xD Hahhahahahhha. Fun lurh today. Bio was okaay. Though I dont really study, the thingy come naturally to mee. ^^ WOOTS. Hhahaahhaa. And& oh yes. The auntie at the canteen kekek laaa hhahaha. Auntie; Awak makin lawa eh sejak kebelakangan ni.. Auntie; Sebenarnye daripade beberape minggu lepas.. Me; o.0 Auntie; Baguslaaah tak mo frust frust. Da tak frust lah ni kan? Me; uhrr -noddnodd- LAWLS ~ ! Muka ku bercahaya berseri yaaaay ~ ~ ! :D And the makcik lawls macam paham !!!!! xD Oh yes. Kang Raye's damn cute. Hahahahha. :D And how can I forget!! My sis made me laugh shitx when I got home. I'm bloody serious. I turned red from laughing. WAHAHHAHAHAHHA. KEKEKEKEKEK. I miss primary school days bullying mother tongue teacher esp. Hehehe. Fi and Ferriz just turned up at my door. Thank you guys. :D \m/ Saturday, March 21, 2009 Y 12:48 AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CIK ARMAN. =D Yeah don't have his photo. Yep, made that for him. Cause he's such a sweetheart on my birthday. Lawls ~ ! And yeah, I remember telling my aunt that she has a bloody cute boyfie when I first met him. Hahahha, and a funny one. Esp when he talks in malay. xD ~! Cair la caan. He's really a sweetheart from what my aunt told me. Can't believe he used to drink, he used to have a piercing and he sings so well. Rocker sejati. I love his voice. Still, he looks like a kid. xD So well, may Allah bless him lots and last forever with my aunt ~ !! AND AND AND AND AND AND AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST BLACK RANGER. Hahhahahahahahhaha. I love you lah dengs. You must stick with meeeeeeeeeee. Hahhahahahahhaha, thanks for everything. Kay, I don't know why I'm thanking but yeah, for being a good friend. May you be blessed kay and yeah. Pretty girl. xD I haven't hear you play Jenny on guitar!! Pffts. Kay gtg. I feel emo. Cause it's raining. And Fi reminded me of that crazy feeling I used to have. And still do, but have to throw it away~~
Friday, March 20, 2009 Y 11:39 PM Kay I'm supposed to study today. Cause I suck at lots of things. Like chemistry. But I'm here blogging. Chatting with Fi Firemaaan. Facebook. LAWLS ~ I was pissed actually. But someone calmed me down. Cool or what ~ ! Make me laugh my heads off. Kay I got only one head. ~ Cause everything happen for a reason, so the fact you're not going out means, maybe you're avoiding something worse... Like kena run over by garbage truck. HAHAHAHHA. LAWLS ~~ Ask for spanking siolz. Of all things, GARBAGE TRUCK. Cool or what ~ ! And yessssss, I ''see low'' hahahhahahhaaha. Laughed like hell arh. xD Kay uhhhmmmm. I'm alone now at home. So that's the story. Later going to entertain myself. With boooooks and Idk. My house sound system ar. Buat karoake or watch movie. ~~ xD Hmm. Yesterday night was crap. Hahahaha. I was like txting Fi, I'm sleepy but I don't want to sleep cause I don't want to dream. Kay lame lah Yan. Yan, someone should tell you into the face, you're super lame. ~~ PFFT. But it's funny lah kay. I don't want to dream cause I know I'm gona feel emo somehow. And that super sweet Fi say she shall hug me to sleep. Make me more emo jek. Pshh. But in the end, I slept anw. Kay that was lame story, but true. Hahaha. I don't even know why srsly. Someone pls explain ~~ Nvm. See. Suddenly I feel emo. I don't knowww why gahh. ~~ Chao. I'm hungry. Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Y 6:51 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Y 6:09 AM ![]() THAT IS MY BITCH . HAHAHAHA . Out with her was fun . And yep, that pic was taken by me. Pro right ? Editted by me tooo ~~ Hahahaha. I shall post other pics in a separate post kays! ;) AND yes, I love Mohabbatein. So that explains my blog song kay. :D SEDAP KAY. Takmo critic. Memang sedap. ^^ Melelehhh ~~ I feel retarded today. So yes. I'll post nice stuff. Hahaha. Today's quote; Katt : Why you sound so happy ? Me : I am ? LAWL ~ ! Kay Yan that was lame. So yesterday woke up at 11. I was like HOLY SHIT. Hahahahahah. Yes, and I go bathe then makeup then eat. And yeah guess what. I forgot to shit but didnt forget to put makeup. ;D Awesome kan. Kay not. Yes so headed to City Hall. Yeps, I was pretty late. Kay she was too. Supposed to meet at 1230. ~~ AKU LAH MELAYU TULENNN. xD Kay, malays knows what I mean by tt. So went to eat at Sakura !!! I'm so failllll. I already know what I want, and open the menu, and pulls a blank face. OOOOOoooo ~~ Kay not interesting skip tt. No one likes to watch you eat so let's go play skipping rope! Skip ~ Skip ~ Saw Mitchell. AT PENIN. WTS JOKE WAS TT. No wonder hot guys run away. Kay Yan that was mean. ~~ Then we walked atw to BUGIS. Yeah I wasnt that high lah so my busapyy was not up to the max. Hehehe. Wanted to buy this rainbow fan. But I got one at home. So Katt bought bubbles ! Kay then walk walk to BUGIS. YAHHH. Went to Haji Lane and tt batman building :D MODELLING TIMEEEE. Hahahahhaha. We pro kay. Sad we are too poor to afford DSLR. Psh. And my dad can ask, what pictures when you dont have DSLR?! Get one loh dad. Hahaha, my dad was a photographer in his younger days. Kay he still young. xD Oh yeah. SORRY KATT. I'm such a chicken. NOT. I'm a good kid lahs. xDDDD We did that till like 4? Yeap. Then head to BUGIS MRT STATION. Hahahhahahahahhaha. I dont want to say. Katt knows. And whoever who knows, knows lah kay. :) So yeah we took Mrt to City Hall. And Katt was like Little India, Esplanade or Barrage? AND so we chose ESPLANAAAAAAADE. Yes yes. That was when fun started. First; I got stuck in a shop. That was so clumsy lah kays! I couldnt find the door. When there wasnt even one. xD Second; Rooftop. Third; AHHAHAHAHHAH. This was the highlight for me. There was a pair of guys who approached us and asked for help, to do survey awh. Then yeah. ONE of them. The one who talked, hahahha, damn cute awhs. To me, esp ! Think they're undergrads or poly students or sth. Yeah so we did the survey and yeah we were supposed to put our contact num. Hoho. He has my num then. He smiled and said, Terime Kaseh. And then they left. We collided again. And he smileeeeeeeeeeeeed to me. RAAAAAAAAAAR. Meltz meltz. Hmmm, smart huh, used survey as an excuse to get nums. Fourth; The joke of the day was when some guy approached me and say want to get to know me and exchange numbers. I was like WTFWTFWTFWTF can you like shoo. He gave his number and yeah I'm so gna let it rot in my phonebook. If anyone wants, tell me. AHHAHAHHA. xD Yeaps. That was esplanade. And then went to my gparents'. SYIOKK. My nenek fail siolzzzz. Hahahahhahahaha. KEROPOK BERLAPOK. ~~ WTS IS TT. xD xD And yes, I got a kiss from Izzul. More meltzz. Ohhh and he was so cute when he say "Ampunnn!" when we locked him in the storeroom because he was being so naughtyyyy. xDDD Joke! Then went homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ~~~ * ARMAN' S BDAAAAAAY COMING HOORAYYY ~ ~ ~ ! Monday, March 16, 2009 Y 1:29 AM BLANG BLANG WHATSUP PEEPS ? ! I'm going out with my Rinahhh ! Two words . CAN'T WAIT. Maybe I should add another two words. SAKURA LUNCH. Another two. CITY HALL. Another two. LITTLE INDIA. Another two. CAM WHORE. Hahahahhaha, with that pro pro camerawoman ! YEAAAAAAH muahahahha. She's bringing polaroid. I'm bringing myself. ^^ Model laa kan. WAHAHHAHA. Stop it Yanni. Stop it. I've been high since just now. Maybe lack of sleep. Cause I rolled awake at like 3 or 4. HAHAHHAHA. Memang. Tkde keje. Pity Aisyah. Crapped via txts with her. Hahahahaha. I masih jealous tau tau! Gigi I straight gigi dier sengettt. Mane fair. I leh uat u ketawe lagiii. HMPHH. Sunday, March 15, 2009 Y 12:54 AM Throughout my experience in soccer. I almost killed somebody. AND I almost got killed. and lain kali tak mo asyik angkat keti ah dengs ! So that summarizes Friday. Eh NO. Hahahahhahaha. ![]() SLUMDOG MILLIONAIREEEEE!~ Power over the hills and to the moon!~ It's a very very touching story really. Damn gooodddd. I wish. Nvm. Oh yes, Fi! It was fun really to be your mum's number one supporter. WOOOTSS! Next time I bring one whole crowd when she nags at you. xD HAHAHAHAHA. Jkjk. Lain kali jangan tidur waktu asar ngan maghrib! Pshhh. Kay on Saturday went to Johore. Hahaha. Mum was pissed in the morning. Seriously I hate the feeling. She was like nvm. Not my fault awhs. But gah the whole family kena dragg. Kay then we went out. Fun siolz. ![]() Kay sry small picture. Hahahahhaha. We watched Upin&Ipin the movieeeeeeeeeeee. Woots. So cheap siolz. 5.50 Sing Dollars laaaaaa kay! WTFFFF. Yes, it was damn funny. I was laughing shitxxxxxxxx. Really. Of course, I love Ipinnn! My sweethearrrrrrrt. Hahhaha. I wished I was laughing with .. Nvm. Lalala~~ So yeah. Sry didnt go BBQ. =((( I wanted to go awh. AHHHH. BS BS BS. And Fi, I wished I was there watching SLEEQ performing. SHEESH. I would be screaming my heads off. xD But I'm only me, and there's only one of me, for everyone. Chey cham paham. Holidays starting peeps. Hahahahhaa. Cant wait for date on Tues. Yeaaaaaaaaah Rinaaaaah. \m/ Hahahahahhaha. And you owe me a kiss. =D Well maybe out with Nick the next day. Hahahah. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY. I love Nick. Just going to pray he aint busy. AND Liverpool owned Man U !! ~ ~ \m/ Dont ask me. I dont support any. I'm just an extra. WOOOOTSS. LALALALA. Thursday, March 12, 2009 Y 9:23 PM HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Fi bloody joke ar siolz ytd night otp. Tak leh angs. Pshhhh. xD Mintak smacking jek. Hahahah, apparently when I was alone at home ytd night, my family yep went out and they met a family friend awh. I srsly shld have been there. My sis was like telling me how hot the children became and so and so. Pfft. Kay maybe the eldest one only. Then she, wts diao siolz, hahahaha prasan wna date tht guy. LAWLLLLSSSSSSSSS. So not worth it. Syamil not tt cute ar siolz. SHEEEEEEEESH. I miss having outings and holidays with them. x( And apparently, the youngest sister just turned 3 years old. AHHHHHHHHHHH. I love that kid laaah caaaan. She'll come to me and play siolz. Pfft. Now I srsly regret staying home last night. Oooooooooooooh. I'm so slow ar hahahhaha. I didnt know Alvin left school alr. SOBBBBSSSSS. He's a friggin' nice teacher except that he looks at you like a pedo. Wahahahahahhaha. \m/ This morning was really nice. HAHHAHAHA. Like usual, went to school with Aisyah. And hahhahahahha, I'm so bloody sure she had a fun time rating meeeeeeee. Yeah mee. Tak yah good luck kepe. Dah memang born lame. Steaaaaaaaady arrr! Got 10/10 rating for lameness. Kay I don't know what else to blog about srsly. Only half a day gone. Cant wait for match. ^^ Dad's watchinggggggggggggggggg. Nvm, still, I can just call my Woodlands Sec frens come down and watch me. Hhahahahahaha. I wonderrr. Nvm. xD Shhh! Cannock telllllllllll. Y 5:55 AM Ooooooooooooooooops. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AWWWWW, my one and only Dearsayanglovecinta. Hahahhaha, photos in random order. Super lazy to upload all. So yeahhh. Now, recent random quotes bebeh! Girl, got friendster? Maybe. x) - Some mats So sincere sia apology, nevermind, because of the five bucks, I forgive you. -Fi All nice pics happened in the toilet. -Fi Aku lawan pakai spear, kau cume ade fishing rod. -Fi If I lose you, I really lose it sia. -Katt. If there's a chalet organised, we shall pon it and watch a movie together instead. -Nick I'm just dead with a sense of humour. -Zik Don't worry, I'll never betray you. -Yu Jia (AHAHHAHAH) Think of your friends like us, it's more worth it. -Yu Jia You used to be super super patient with me before that. -Aisyah I shall make Yanni happy. -Ethel (and she went to pour water on my skirt.) Cik nak ring Yanni nye bell. -Fi's mum. (JOKE AR SIOLZ, my bell really rang.) I love that bitch. -Katt He dosent have a dick to fck with in the first place. -Siong Gim (talking abt games and football. -.- sheesh! Now I know what guys talk abt) And lastly, I miss you. Y 5:11 AM Hey hahah, shall post a proper post tonight. Though currently I'm reading a book. One whole compilation of sirah Nabi. Lalala. Have been finding this book for sooooooo long and I finally found it! Yipee :D And yessssss, my knee swollen. Psh. Still. I shall start from Tuesday cause that's the fun fun day with a shitty ending. Hahahhaha. Basically, I couldnt waaait to see Fi that day. BUT stupid meeeeeeeeeee. Hahahaha, Aisyah wished me good luck in the morning and I was like, what for? Yes, I faaaail siolz. Hahahhaah. It was common test! Therefore, I would be released one hour later than usual. Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Told Fi, wait for me at 3.40pm. But she siao siao go wait at 3.20pm thus ended up waiting for me moreeeeee. Hahahhaha, and me? I arrived at 4. Gerek tau tk perrrr. xD Warned her but pfft. Stubborn. Next time I shall whack her upside down. xD Yeah went to Civic Centre. Slacked there ar on the 4th level. AND we got really hungryyyyy. Eh plz ah caan, I only ate watermelon in sch for the friggin' whole day. So we went MACSSSSSS! Yeah we shared a small coke for like one hour siolz. Didnt finish pro! Miracle really hahahhahaha. Bla bla bla crapped shitx and camwhoreeed. Hahahahha at macs like crazy arh. Then there was a guy who left his visa cardss, nets and such at his seat and went away. Fi looked at me, say, should I tell him? HAHAHHA. Dengs siolz. Of course tell ar. Pshh. Then she went and came back to me, I suddenly feel happy. I was like, why? Cause I did a good deed. -.- Fi fi... Hahahaha! And Fi! You and Ferriz, rock on.\m/ Hahahhaa. Yeah, Ferriz has to win my heart before he can take you. :p And apparently, he told Fi to give me a peck on the cheek. LAWLS. Damn joke srsly. Fi would only kiss me when I'm lying down dead. Funnnny kaaaaaaaaan? Baby sendiri pun tak nak kiss. Majok arh! xD Went home. Did MasteringPhysics online. I srsly thought it was due that night. Until today, we were told end of holidays. Sekali aku ketok kepale teacher! PSHHH. Then yeah, cause of someone, I fought with someone. I was pissed then after that, because I fought with hahaha, you-know-who-you-are xD, I turned bloody emo. Srsly. Maaaan, I srsly was keeping my chill yknw. Dwant to burst out at anyone. So, I just keep it all in so I turned emo. And it was like, every single thing that was bugging me just swept over me. I wanted to cry really. But I cant brought myself to. Then the next dayyy, Hahahahahha, apparently, you-know-who-you-are was emo toooo. HAHHAHAHHAH and& the highlight of the day was that we went to the toiletttttttt. And hahahhaahhaha did smth really stupid and when we realised people can see, hahahahahhahaahahahhaha, holy shittttttttttttttttttttt. xD WTS WTS WTS. So funny. So tt was how we made up. Hahahhahaha. And the rest of the time was fun going home with you. Hahahhaha. So yeah, went home yesterday and nothing much happened. Mum didnt cook so we ordered pizzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaa. Lols. And my dad just came home ytd too. =D On the phone that night with Baby Eeeeeeebaaaaaaaan. Hahahha. And she fell asleep. Can warn me smore! Kalau aku tidur, kau tepon mak aku suroh kejut kn ku. Nah, ni number hp mak aku. And like 10 mins later, my baby fell asleep. LOLOLOLOL. Today was okay lurh not bad. Hmmmmm. Mother tongue was okay. Damn joke laaaaaaaa kays. Played sherates. =D Then I felt emo again. Pshh. Really on and off siolz. And yes, must credit Ethel who sits beside me who alwys siao2 make me happy whenever I'm down. :DDDDD Then after that, went Macs with Rinahhhh and Jia Ying. Lol, let down our haaaaair. Hhahahahahha. Hot siolzzzzzzzz xD Esp Jia Ying ar. Psh I felt young when going out with them. Then went to finish up art. RINAAAHHHHH. We're so prooooooooooooooooooooo. I couldn't believe siaaaaaaaaaaa. xD It's really awesome. I mean from the big progress we made. Damn it was like on Monday, we're like, we're screwed. screwed. screwed. Hahahahhahahahaa. ANd nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Wtsssssss. Hahahah, then after that, chillin' in Clementi. Went to the blk bhind Dslm. Actly wanted to go Ave2 but hecccccck. We're bloody tired. Hhahahahaha. Fun awhs. \m/ Hahahhahaha, now I'm home alone. Posting all these. Wna go bed soon. Cause I'm srsly tired la can. xD Tmr against Woodlans Sec!!!!!!! Shit. Knee swollen. Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Y 7:50 AM Gah. I give up. I want to ditch MasteringPhysics, though it is fcking due tonight. I want to go to bed. And cry. Don't emo when there's people around you, cause you wouldnt want them to be emo as well. Y 7:27 AM And the rest. WTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. If I ever bcm les, it's because of all the fcking guys in my life. Ahh. So fcking gah Idk what to say. Kay but not to worry, I'll never be one. Sorry so vulgar but I'm just venting my anger. I wanted to post the funny things that happened but heck. Raaaaaaaaaaah. I want to bash everything up. No, I'm not that violent. Ahhh Yann, SHUT THE FCK UP AND GO TO BED.
Sunday, March 8, 2009 Y 1:29 AM I feel so mendak. Hahaha. Baik per. Sheesh heartburn ar siolz. Helps. Saturday, March 7, 2009 Y 8:44 AM Hahahahahahha. Fi made me laugh like shittttttttttttt. On the phone lols. In the middle of the night when I'm supposed to do summary. LAWLSSSSSSSS. I've got no comment for my tagboard. Just so immature. You guys got no idea what I went throughout that relation So yeah. Just mind your own business if you don't know. And yes, I've to be mean. So sorry for the previous post. It's for the better. And don't worry guys, he'll get someone better and will learn how to treat that someone way way better. =D Disappointed actly. But heck. So yessssss, though I'm pretty fragile currently. Precisely that's the reason why I kept trying to be happy. And precisely that's the reason why I'm easily touched by little things my fren does. Because, my heart's damaged. So yeah. WOOTS. And Rinah. HAHHAHAHAHA. Let's sing. Rock never die lah ahahahhahahhahah. Basket you, make out with me. ;) And thanks alot. For that sweet sweet text you sent. I'll die for you too. Kay. Hahahah. Walking home with Pretty Girl and Handsome Boy was funnnn. Thanksssssss you guys tooo. Hahahaha. Pfft. Better work on my summary now. Or else, I cant finish up my hmw tmr! And& I neeeeeeeeeed to call Thea. Bet she waited shitx for me today. OH yes, I went Johore just now. Best ke pa. Dik, senyum lah sikit, masam aje muke. Apa ni termenung, tak baik tau anak dara termenung. xD Now off to do summary and chat wit fi and firdauz! Chaos. And when his kiss makes me weep... Thursday, March 5, 2009 Y 7:09 PM That blogger is damn damn shit funny. If I were given a chance, I want to meet that blogger sooooo much. Hah. Cheers me up shitx. =D He is really to the rescueeeeeeeee ~ ! Hahaha. Okay hmm. I shall post happy stuff today cause I want to. First thing. Nick's bloody sweet. Second thing. Zik made me laugh shitx ytd. Hahaha. Pro sia. Dead with a sense of humour. Third thing. Yj got pissed at me. HAHAHHAH. Fourth thing. We're playing friendly against RJC in school. (Kay tht's bad cause field is damn big) Fifth thing. My hairs are standing. -gasps- OHHH yes. Going wdlds sec next week. Siolz. I wonder who I'll meet. Hah! xD Rarararara nth interesting happen nowadays. Just waiting for hols. Then celebrate lols. PARTYY Maaan. Kay srsly, this post abit lame. So I shall just post it. Weeeeee~~ bye bye. When it's all over, we shall make out. ;) HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Y 3:26 AM It's crazy how you can get when you really love someone and you've to just let it go. It's crazy how you can get when you really miss someone until you feel so weak, you just want to die. It's crazy how you can get when you really went out of control cause of someone you really love. It's crazy how you can get when you disappoint the important people in your life cause of one love story you're so crazy about. It isn't just about how much tears. It isn't just about how much pain. It's just what you have to do when you love someone so much, and to avoid him from much more greater pain later on. And because of that, you had to be bold enough to make that decision. Had long long talk with mum yesterday and just now. I know her so well, I know that she knows what I've been doing behind her back lately. And when she say she saw everything, images of everything I've been doing and lying to her, she told me she was disappointed. Yes, my mum aint like any other mum. Because of my history and background, my family isnt something to play arnd with nor is it easy to get pass. And yes, it's freaky to you guys that she's able to know stuff without people telling her. When she say, there wouldnt be any forgiveness for anyone who causes me to change; lie and start doing bad stuff bhind her back/knowledge and such many more, it scared me shitx. Cause I've seen so many instances when she say that, mainly stories and all. And it fears me that anything will happen to that one person I love. So I've to let it go. I love him too much to see him go through those. I love him. I love him. Sometimes, I just want to smack myself, my mum told me, ''You got yourself stuck in the whole situation, the feeling of confusion, insecureness. " Say, I really want to run away. But I've to pull through and learn, that love dsnt exist with only happiness. There's always have to be sacrifices. Sometimes, you just cant get what you want. Sunday, March 1, 2009 Y 9:31 PM I'm so freaked out. Hahahahahhahaha. Kays nvm. Very distracted for match. Gna dieeeeeeeee lalalala. Going queensway sec ar later. Then suddenly my dad txt me come home straight aft match and good luck. Creepy siolz. Suddenly jeks txt. Hahaha. Smre my pp8 damn low arrr. Seeeebey. xD LALALA. Kay I feel much much better after panadol. xD Ethel told me not to take too much. I've got no idea why I'm blogging kay. Tau tkper memang menyebok jek pat sini tok sah lain kejer. Hah. Kay now I'm done. Yay hooray bye. Y 2:20 AM ![]() I miss my Hunny Monsterrrrrrrrrrr. Baby pooh loves hunnyyy. Lalala. :) Okay this week super up and down really. First I'm crying. Next thing I'm laughing. Next day I'm high. Then I'm down. Sheesh. Mood swing rabak mak oi. xD Yeps yeps. Yesterday went to Sci Cnt. Bibik Yaya and Uncle Arman and my sis and my Hunnnyyyy. Woots. It was okay hahahah. Lalalala, can I not type in details ? xD Basically happy siolz. HAPPYYY. xD Uncle Arman blanje dinner then we chaos awhs. Superrrrrrrrrr tiring yknw. Slept like shiitttttt. Yeahh shittttttttt. ARRRGHHH. My bibik saw the pics in my phone. And she told me she was disappointed in me. Haizzz. I really dont know what to say ar cann. And yes yes tmr tournament and I'll be skipping SLI and PHYZZZ. Oh yes, shit, tt means I cant see Aisyah dance. :'(((( Haiz nvm. Mr Soh plan to visit Eunice after match. Idk laaaaaahs. She kena stitch sia really pity. I saw her face that time full of blood wts pain sia. Okayokayy. Enough I cant talk for loong. Later my parents come home, alot of things havent do. Haiz. I love my hunny monster kay bye. Oh I miss you fi. Raaah I wna see you. Chaos. \m/
colourful ![]() (RED)hayanni I love dark chocolates . I love believing in fairytales . I love my sweethearts . ongoing ESCAPADES \m/DEXNNY♥\m/ Afiqah(Andalus)\m/ Afiqah(GWPSjunior)\m/ \m/AISYAH♥\m/ Angela\m/ Basirah\m/ Casmelin\m/ Charlene\m/ Cheryl Lin\m/ Choy Jing\m/ Christine\m/ Christine(NUSH)\m/ Chua\m/ Dayne\m/ Dillon\m/ Ethel\m/ Farhana\m/ Fatin\m/ Feyra\m/ Firdatullah\m/ \m/GEN♥\m/ Haikal\m/ Harshaana\m/ Hidayah\m/ Hilda\m/ Iffah\m/ Kim\m/ Liyana\m/ Qian Ci\m/ Ryan Ong\m/ Sakeenah\m/ Sarah\m/ Semi\m/ Shahid\m/ Shari\m/ Sourav\m/ Thea\m/ Vanessa\m/ Wardah\m/ Warmil\m/ Widia\m/ XiaoHan\m/ \m/YANNA♥\m/ \m/YU JIA♥\m/ Yu Quan\m/ Yusadilah\m/ Yuwen\m/ Zaki\m/ Zikz\m/ M07105!\m/ into the past %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 %u2605March 2009 %u2605April 2009 %u2605May 2009 %u2605June 2009 %u2605July 2009 %u2605August 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |