Wednesday, February 25, 2009 Y 8:39 PM Pffts. My pimple just burst. Yeaaah. Today was joke cause Aisyah's damn innoncent. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Much more innoncent than meeee. Teehee. That was why the back row in MT was laughing their heads off. Whoa, I srsly didnt know I'm super quiet nowadays. Kay according to Katt lurhs. So sweet lah seh. If I lose you, I'll lose it. AWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'm so touched srsly. x) Oh yes. I got practical aft this. LALALALA. I never pay attn in class, so I ended up asking around wht to do in practical. HAHA. I'm not the only onee kayys. xP -math task due tmr. -home late tmr --- welcome party for cca. HOW LAGG SIOLZ. -sci cntr wit sha sis arman lalala -phys online asgmt. Pro. Goal. I'm only half way thru I dont get a shit. -essay test. -and bla bla all the common test. And because of match, I dont need go RI for composition writing. WOOOOOOOOOOOOTS. Imagine spending your Friday aftnn writing stories. How bs is tt. And& before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATUK (28 FEB). Lols, I know he'll never read this. XD I miss boyfie. :'(( Thanks aisyah for listening me saying that over and over in sch. Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Y 11:04 PM I'm checking your pulse I'm giving you air But your body disagrees And no it don't care at all I'm wasting my time I haven't been blogging for long, I know. This blog's dead and obviously I'm here to revive it. Yeah. I've got no mood to blog happy stuff. Cause I dont know what's happy right now. La. La. Tournament's coming up. Common test coming up. Fuck. I dont feel that good right now seriously. Feels like I'm lost. Hah. Kay whatever. I'm so quiet today. ~~ Raar. I seriously got no idea what to talk about here. I miss you shitx, baby. Bye bye. I'd sing you a song But i'm feeling quite off In my heart It's occupied And now's not the time The time Friday, February 20, 2009 Y 4:54 AM Hello. I MISS YOU. And& they row boat. HAHAHHAHAHAH. Wth Sharmaineeeeeeee. xD Thursday, February 19, 2009 Y 10:38 PM I'm scared . I'm anxious . I'm nervous . I've got butterflies in my stomach . And I hate those feelings . My mum was screaming at me yesterday. Asking whether I'm seeing someone after school. Sheesh. For that, I'm really scared. Cause she threatened to get me out of school if she got to know anth. I'm dead. I really dont know what to say exactly. I can't remember laughing today either. Math test was not too bad. It was easy lols. Though I didnt even study for it. Other than that, I dont really know. Kay whatever. I dont know what I know. All I know is that I'm scared. Basically, I dont know what I'm scared of. Confusssssion. Poof. I miss me. And my baby. Byes. :( I'm off. To do more work. Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Y 10:38 PM Helloh I'm blogging. I'm supposed to be drawing right now. But I lost my way and now, I'm here kays. Clapsclaps. So today I had a very strange dream. Really joke. I dreamt some grandmother died and went to heaven. And apparently, that some old grandmother come to me and gave me a huge pair of contact lens. Blueeee in colour, seriously huge man. Joke right ? Yeah, I told Aisyah and Katt they were laughing like mad. Aisyah says maybe I need to open my eyes big big thats why. LAWL. Okay I can accept that. And apparently, laughing helps Katt to shit. I mean srsly, she told me to make her laugh while she's shitting. Srsly screaming at me to tell me to make her laugh. I burst out laughing imagining her when she's giving birth. Oh man, I want to be there making her laugh cause I'll have so much fun laughing seeing push her baby out. Nvm, I'll warn her husbandd wahahahahhaha. Joke siolz. Mummy, what did you do first after giving birth to me ? I laughed. Ohh yes and I finally registered for Malay O lvl. GRRRRRRRR. Can I not take ? xD Oh oh yes. I love my Monday and Tuesdaaaaaaaaay. <3 But Monday was kinda tiring. Tuesssssssday was niceeeeee. Hahaha, met baby aft school and went to JE Library straight away. Camwhored, watched funny vids and lalala lots. Best part was when I said, let's go off at 4 30. And we ended up talking for two hours straaaaaaaaaaight. Hahaha, 6+ we left. xD And teehee, baby made me forget time and funny, my feet didnt turn numb aft hours of sitting down. Pro kn syg? ![]() Saturday, February 14, 2009 Y 10:24 PM ![]() And that was the man of 14.02.09 ! Yeap. My dad. Woots. Hahaha, I was feeling so down so I need smth drastic to really cheer me up. Which I end up dragging the whole family into the Kbox in Johore awhs. It's always me dragging. Pffts. But FUIYOH mak oi. My dad sounds like Amy Search. My MUM sounds like Ella. Wtfffff. Awesome stuff. Btw, I forgot to mention that I've seen Amuk sang live. It was supersupersuper gerek. I had the weirdest feeling I've been there before. Haha, srsly. Die2 I told my parents I've been here before. Freaky siolz. Maybe Fi was right, I dream too much. BUT. Nvm. Shall not talk about dreams. Teeeheee. :D but srsly dude. I dream too much. Nothing much happen just being more and more dead. =.= =.= =.= Really. Hahahha. Kay stop laughing yan it's so fake. And Aisyah, yes yes we shall have that delayed outing soon. I'm stressed up too. I neeeeeed a good laugh. Pfffts. Chaos \m/ I feel pretty scrwed up lalala. AND I MISS YOU LIKE A LOT. Thursday, February 12, 2009 Y 9:12 PM Oh helloh. Feeling shitty right now. Hahah. Now waiting time to pass by. Still going match later. Pffts. I'm doing this for Katrina. Hahs. Kidding. Kay fine I'm kidding about tht kidding part. I just have to come down kays. Uhhhh. I feel so dead hahah. Srsly I dont know where to start. Ahhh, thanks peeps for the rose and chocolates AND esp the marshmallows. HAH. Hahaha. Damn nice kay esp the rose. Fresh siolz. :D Teehee. Happy Valentine's Day. Hahah. Thanks Aisyah I love that card. I dont think I'm going to meet you today and talk cause hahahah. Your Fridays not likeeeee mine and I've to go out for cca. Bhrr. Uhrr. Yesterday went to celebrate my gmum's bday lols. I think right, I was super super low I didnt speak a word. The most I said was a sentence. Freakin tired and bah bah diaozz. Smth funny happen but I cant rmb. Nvm, didnt last that long. Lalala. Basically we got a lot free stuff at Siam Kitchen. Seriously. I think that lady cut off like 30 bucks worth of stuff. Btw, I've got pics to post since I'm in bloody school. I cant post todaaaay. Pffts. And great. Math remedial later. I hate intersections. Reading funny blogs helps. I need to focus. Bye. Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Y 8:03 PM Oh and I finally change my blogskin. Hahah. Now I'm so free, next lesson is only at 1330. Almost fell asleep in Eng lesson. LOLs. Not my fault awhs. It's really draggy. I'm sure many were trying to stay awake. Start the day at 0450. Then blah blah left for school. My mum reminded me today was my grandmum's birthday. :D Yep, I'm such a nice grandchild so I txted my gmum wishing her. LOLs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Yeah I love my grandmother lah seh. And I think I'm ponning soccer for her tmr. I know Katt wants to eat me for that. Anw, thanks for the macs ytd. We shld have gone Ananas. Kay, I'm such an ungrateful friend. Muahahahah. xD Walked atw to Wdlds Mrt. I knew I was late. Bhrr. And some guy had to stand on the left. So I cant chase my train. Hahah. I got pissed duhh. And guess what. 4 people flooding me at the same time. Wah seh. Train my fingers like shit. And I learnt that whales got an ass. And I learnt that I dream alot. And I learnt that someone learnt that I need a cape and underwear so I can fly to school. Pffts. I was pissed and I was making that someone laugh like retard. Good thing people stare at you. xD Oh and that someone didnt know I was so stubborn till 4 days ago. Oh yes, we're all supposed to do hearts for V'day. LOLs, so I did. And I wrote, ''I hate you'' on it. Passed it to Nick. HAHA. Then I did another one, and tore it up. And passed again to Nick. He broke my heart. Cause he didnt say ''I hate you toooooooooo''. Joke lah siolz. Great. Tday I think I'm going home with Katt. Yeah, see your name KATT? Let me enlarge man. KATT IM GOING HOME WITH YOU TODAY, I THINK. Hehe. Srsly, I'm dizzy to continue this post bye. PS ; I love you baby. Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Y 5:44 AM ![]() HOHOHO. Hearts. <3 Next time bring DSLR boy. Cant wait. Muaaaaaaaacks. I loveeeeee you. ANDDDDDDD. HAPPY BDAY FI. 09.02.09 MY MANISSSS DEXNNY DUCK. HAPPY BDAY ZIK. 05.02.09 THAT SEX-Y CHRISTIANO RONALDO. AHEM! And& tons of funny things happen like that not-so-ugly-but-hot Nick. With his partner, Qinxi lols. Ehhh, that was last week. Nvm, it feels like ytd I sat with them and laughed like shit. Oh yes, Nick still owes me a run. Cant wait for that. And& Aisyah can verify now I'm super stubborn. Haahahhaha, and thanks Fi for listening to me talk nonsense when I'm tired. And dude, I loveeeeeeeeee your parents. xD And& I've got a new malay tcher! Cikgu Isa Karim, guess what. Exactly like Aziz Satar siolz. And his funny-ness just like my gdad. Except my gdad's so loud, esp when bullying my gmum. xDDD And& sorry all for being so dead and moody and not hyped up. Hohoho. I'm tensed up really. Now my knee sprainnnn. :( Cant play against Bowen. My dad warned me alr. RAAAAAAAH. I still wna watch. Ohhhh I'm improving in math. And now, lagging in Phyz. xD Aiyoooh. Teeheee. Lucky thang phyz whole year module. Kkays. I realise, I misssssssss primary school classmates. Dx Chao dudes and dudettes and my other half of noseholes. xD Saturday, February 7, 2009 Y 5:02 AM I puked my rice. Seriously cant eat anthg. And stomach has been torturous. Chao. Bye. Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Y 5:51 AM LATELYYYY, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -Arman Jovi . -Highhigh in Vivo with baby boy. =) -K is a sexy letter. xD -Nigga balls ! -Johnny Chinesee. And Nick was supposed to run with me cause he didnt solve that qsn. "If you got owned, I own you." - Nick. And sexxxeh thongs on my nice ass. =P 10 times of ''I feel completeeee'' Ohh shitx, everything just slipped my mind. Grr. Kay nvms, I'll post when I rmb. Tuesday, February 3, 2009 Y 7:07 PM Ohhh hellohs . I've been busy lately. Going home late hahahahah. -winkwink- xD Yeahh and school's just getting on my nerves. Whatever it is, lalala. I'll update later kay chao bye bye. Hereee, I'm blogging on Wardah's lappie. Kay, credited dudette. \m/ Last last, I FEEL COMPLETE. I FEEL COMPLETE. I FEEL COMPLETE. I FEEL COMPLETE. I FEEL COMPLETE. Aisyah heard me say for about 10 times today already. Sheesh, it's only 11 in the morning. |
colourful ![]() (RED)hayanni I love dark chocolates . I love believing in fairytales . I love my sweethearts . ongoing ESCAPADES \m/DEXNNY♥\m/ Afiqah(Andalus)\m/ Afiqah(GWPSjunior)\m/ \m/AISYAH♥\m/ Angela\m/ Basirah\m/ Casmelin\m/ Charlene\m/ Cheryl Lin\m/ Choy Jing\m/ Christine\m/ Christine(NUSH)\m/ Chua\m/ Dayne\m/ Dillon\m/ Ethel\m/ Farhana\m/ Fatin\m/ Feyra\m/ Firdatullah\m/ \m/GEN♥\m/ Haikal\m/ Harshaana\m/ Hidayah\m/ Hilda\m/ Iffah\m/ Kim\m/ Liyana\m/ Qian Ci\m/ Ryan Ong\m/ Sakeenah\m/ Sarah\m/ Semi\m/ Shahid\m/ Shari\m/ Sourav\m/ Thea\m/ Vanessa\m/ Wardah\m/ Warmil\m/ Widia\m/ XiaoHan\m/ \m/YANNA♥\m/ \m/YU JIA♥\m/ Yu Quan\m/ Yusadilah\m/ Yuwen\m/ Zaki\m/ Zikz\m/ M07105!\m/ into the past %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 %u2605March 2009 %u2605April 2009 %u2605May 2009 %u2605June 2009 %u2605July 2009 %u2605August 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |