Saturday, January 31, 2009 Y 2:39 AM TRALALALA~~ Hahahahah, I'm back here blogging. I've got no freakin' idea whattt to doooo. XD Not sure if there's any hmw too. Okaaaays. Urhhh. Wht did I missed. LOLs, thanks Aisyah. I didnt lose a shit but hope. Hahahahaahaizzz I dont care laa hahahhaha. =)))) I'm so smileeey I dont bloody know why. Like anyone knows whether I'm smiling for real. xD Ohhh I wonder why these days I keep seeing the same things. Seriously like Deja Vu. Hahahahahahhaha! Nvm, I dont give a damn. Oh lalalalala. I've got nothing to talk about actually really. Hahahahahaha. Next week might have match. PLZZZZZZZ have ahhahaha, I'm so so dying for one. xD And I realised I suck during trainings. BAAAAAAAAAAAH. I miss my boyyyyyy. He made me cry. Lols, I was missing him so much laaaaa tts why. Naughttttttty. x) Kay chao bbye, I cant rmb anth that made me laugh so hard sorry this post so dead. Hahaa. I want to run bah. Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Y 8:42 PM Yeah. History repeats. I hate that bloody hell. I never want that. And I'll be living my life, repeating the past. That sucks. I want that remote control just to freakin' hit rewind. To save everyone from the freakin' misery. Kay I dont give a damn if no one understands that. I just dont give a damn. Life's just the sameee old dull routine. Raar. There's no point living sometimes. There's no freakin' point going school - except for people, there's no freakin' point of sleeping, waking up and idk. Basically, I'm doing this for ones I love. Gaaaaaaaaah wtfzx. I never. NEVER want to see my love ones fall. But when they stubbornly choose to and just wna keep falling&tripping&stumbling& just wtf fall, I've got no freakin' choice. Cause it's not my choice. Sucks huh. But if you dont understand, I wont care if you dont want to care in the first place. Damn shit. Life's so much more than that. That's why I always believe in smiling and making yourself full - & not freakin' empty inside. Bah. I'm only left with patience. That will never run out. ____________________________________________________________________ BAAAAAH. Poh scared me off my feet. Oh great. Saturday I dont want to go rehearsal actually. It's pretty dumb fussing over smth I alwz slack in. Wellssss, I missssssss lots lots of things. OH YES. Rinahhh's back. Shitx I miss her like hell siolz. Ponning sch and currently in Orchaaaard. =.= And& cramps are such a torture. Kay chao bbye. Sunday, January 25, 2009 Y 11:25 PM ![]() ![]() ![]() Ohhh hellohs. So Friday was fun~~ And then came the weekends. =) Saturdaay went to Pasir Ris Park. Did Eng Project. Abang Arman was funny siolz though he's the quiet2 person. Yepz, then we cycled shitx hahaha. I find running better. xD Izzul was making me laugh. Yeah, bbq was okay. Food finish damn fast liao. Hahaha, and& nevermind, it was a funny dayy. Lols. Sunday was -.- Dead! Yeah was so dead. Did nothing the whole day except doing school work. Slacked at gprnts' home. Watched xmen. And stone. I miss writing srsly. Kay tt was random. Oh yes, my washing machine broke down kay exploded srsly. Got smoke and all. Yeps, Fi said the machine wanted hols. I'm like. LOLs. This is not hols for the machine siolz. It died, I mean, goal alr, hols is just a temporary breakdwn. Hahaha, fancy her telling me to be patient oh in her words, 'bersabar'. LOL but that made my day srsly, I mean I burst out into laughter. HAHAHHA, Fi fi.. Oh I give up on my phyz agmnt, online, officially. I've got no bloody idea how to do it. RAAAAR. And I'm currently alone at home. And Fi's watching the eclispe so she left me alone online. I'm missing my boy bloody bloody much. Ilyimysm. Friday, January 23, 2009 Y 5:37 AM Oh today was CNY celebration. Started the day well. Went to Admiralty, hoping to chase Fi and see her board her bus in the morning. =))) But unfortunately, she left when I got there. =((( So, I just went straight school. And meet ChioBU!! Yeaps, help her do the stuff. Say, she felt intimidated cause her junior was so hot. =.=!! But thanks ALOT. Hahahhaha, that made my day. Ohhh, she alwys say I'm hot but the truth is, she's hotterrrrr. xD Kay then CNY celebs was basically cartoon. I was laughing shitx with Christine at our seat lols. I miss Ethel tooooooo. Aisyah screwed her part, but I told her there's no point crying. And she blew me a kiss ! Awww. And my boy fetched me. =))) Thanks sayang cheered me up. It's 23 Jan! Lalalaz~! 15 mths ago was when two strangers knw each existed. And now, lallalalallala over the rainbow. xD Ilyimyvm! Raaaaaaaar, I missing you shitx now even when you're txting me this very sec. Next Friday is just a torture to waitttt. Kayyyyyys. I might be going out with Fi, if her mum allows lol. Cause my mum said yes. =DDDD After I completed my hmw tt is. Cant waaaaait for tmr too. Abang Arman!! YAY! Christine's soooo right. Life's such a drama. Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Y 6:02 AM Yawwwwwwws. I'm hungreeehh. PT was joke. Only Wee Wee and me were there. So we ran awhs around Clementi. Kay not really lahs. Then did the stairs and crunchesssss raaaaar. xD Then home yaws. Oh yesssssss. Jia Ying paid my not-ready work with Wii! Hahahahahhaa, fun awhs. Now muscle ache shitx. Tennis Wii was fun! Did tt while waiting for PT. Mathsssss so cheeeeeeeeeem. Someone plz plz teach me make me practice shitx. Chemistry is another heartache liaos. I'm srsly tired. Super hard to find stuff for the project. Raar I used to be pro at search engines but now I suck. Gahhh. I'm super tired really bye. No colours. Chao. Monday, January 19, 2009 Y 5:06 AM HEY HOOO. Well, today is basicaaaaaally sexxxxxxy. HAHHAHAHHA. Kay Yujiaaaaa.. Hahahahhaha. Nvms. I scored a freaking goal damnit against Whitleeeeeeeeey. HAHHAHAH first goal and I played only in the second half. I was motivating myself shitx. Doing it for people I love.. CHEWAAAAAAAHHahahahha. Basically, I need to prove to my dad tt I can kick as a striker. And yeah, I felt like screaming SEX to Yu Jiaaaa in the middle of the field. Cool de awhs. Soh said I improved lols! Causa I can run shitx now even with two defenders chasing me side to side. The baaaaaall is still mine damnit. That's why saya suka main bola. Phyz was bullshitx. It's like being in a trigo class really only. Gahh basically the day was okay. Running around really helps to keep oneself happy. Raaaaaaaaar. Chem's killing me. And my difficulties breathing. =.= Sucks lah. Every single thing. Saturday, January 17, 2009 Y 10:56 PM This is for my sweetheart. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I aint being myself lately Sucks really, have been trying to laugh right Trying to pull through this start of the year The first month of the year I dont know what it's inside my head But sure, there's always you And that's why I never mind staying awake even though you asked me to sleep and rest Cause basically the main reason is you As I anticipate your presence, I want to be there never missing a moment And whenever you tried flirting me, or so we call that I would always avoid I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry for that I'm just so busy and I've got nothing to perk me up for that But that dosent mean I dont love you And with the character I have, the one you hate I've got no choice, I have to be who I am Wherever I am, I cant change that easily And I never want you to change, just improve And this character of mine, I dont know I never show how I love how I care Even my mum says so Cause she knows me and ask me straight to the face That's why you feel that way The fact I never show how I love you makes you feel insecure Say, whatever you want, I wont blame you Cause I cant hate you, that's one thing I realise after so long being friends and with you I have seen so many sides of you, and I can accept those That's why I'm still here, typing all these I'm sorry sweetheart, for being such a bad bad girlfriend Y 10:28 PM Ah basket lahs. I'm really stressed right now. I just dknow what the freakin thing to do. So yeah gahhhh. Kay asss laaaaaahs. I need a break. I dont know how I tahan suffocating without a life. Katt come back siolz really aint fair you're out there playing. School's alr chiong. Gahhh. Stupid stupid pms. Thursday, January 15, 2009 Y 9:41 PM OHHHELLO. Now talking to Fi pat MSN. LOLs. Boring day except for cca and after thaaaaat. Lalalala. My maths is so so so screwed. Kay nvm thats random. Cant wait for weekends ar seh need sleep. Grrrrrrr. And I miss Katrina lah siolz. HAHhAhAHAHh. This post is freakin random. Soccer later so yeah. Gahhhhh. I need to crap crap lots tooo. I feel so lame tday. But I don't have Aisyah right now to listen to me. HAHAHhAHA. Lols she's in class damnit. Kay bbye cbye. GRRRRRR. Kay shutup yan. Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Y 4:47 AM OMG this is so cool. I fixed the bloody thing now most of you can see already yay!!! YAYYY MEEEE. And my rainbow addiction. Kay let's not talk about rainbows. Cause it pisses me off. Kay nvm, I shall say here. I'M SO PISSED I CANT WEAR MY RAINBOW SHOES. >;( Hmphh. Really. I've been wearing black canvas red canvas and people loves it. And now I wore rainbow which is black based oh plz. Red is even more striking lah kayssss. My thighs and my butt hurtttts shitxxxxxx. Cause of the freakin training I had on Mondayyy. RAWRAWR but it was fun de owhs. Together foreverrrrrrrrrrr hahahhahaha. Yeah -winkwink- lols!!! Thanks yj for pissing me off but it was so sweet that you wnted stick wit me, TOGETHER FOREVERRRRRRR. Today wasnt tt bad. I wassssssss super super slow. Yeah and super super lame. Ask anyone lah seh. But nvm, they'll end up saying I'm a busap anws. Phyz was retarded. Yeah was playing darts ar. I'm bloody pathetic. My class girls (esp Semi and Chris) (so you know Katt) were like... ''Imagine Katrinaaaaa... "Ponning schoooool.. ''Still enjoying holidays... And bulls-eye. That's the only bulls-eye. Then I lagged the whole thingy again. HAHAHAH. Butttt, I was like, damnshit I love you Katt why you do this!! I told Nick and he was like.. HAHAHHAH you so mean! Malay was another perfect story. Went class ten people waiting there. Wardah was like trying to call the teacher. The 4 of us ( me nick aisyah zik ) were like trying to stop any contact. HAHAHAHHA. Cause of smth in the past tt we enjoyed very much. CRANKDATTT and Kungfuuu lessons by Master Nick. And yeah, Cikgu didnt come. And I ended up talking crap non stop. Ohhhh yes and Zik's funny noises again. Then Chemistry was just pissing me off. Thanks. Then went Queeeeeeensway with Aisyah ! Hahahahha, I knw now yay! Kay then went wdlds met Fi. HAHAHHAHAH OMY wts happen to her hair lols. Kay then went home. I feel slow. Lagging shitx. Kay bye better continue research. Saturday, January 10, 2009 Y 9:35 PM Stupid html lur gah have to fix it bloody hell. I dont get it siaaaaaaa. Rawr. Some people can see, I cant!! =.=.=.=.=.= 1,2,3,4 I love youuuuuu is freaking nice. Kay yeah I'm so gay nvm. Tmr will be home at arnd 8 power. Grrr. I'm so giddy now. Omy omy. Now transfering songs to some unknown device. Muahahahhaha. Kay retard. Wts is this post ar lols. OOKAAAAAAAAAAAY. Hello peeps. Friday was okay. In fact it was great. So happy hyper. That summarizes Friday. I never smiled like that before. Saturday was stone. Hyper then stone. POWEEEEEER DOK. Kay mepek diam. Sunday havent even passed yet. All I know is that I'm giddy. Okay okay bye bye. Wednesday, January 7, 2009 Y 7:42 PM Just a summary ar kay. Tues. came to school. last day orientation. played okay. got wet. became horny. became slept in audi. magic word was princess fiona to wake me up. 205 gathering and first photo of the year. made ppl laugh during class skit. ''saya suka main bola'' ''hari hari saya main bola'' ''saya main di sekolah, rumah, di kolong blok dan di dalam jamban'' basically happy throughout day and night. Wed. walao cried. came to school. first day lesson. my phyz sucked and still sucks. malay was sitting outside dentist waiting for ppl. listening to zik's funny guitar noises lol steppin' synster. chem was yawning all the way. met liyana - thanked me for tutoring cause according to her made a huge impact cause she's now the only one in class getting B for maths (which i dont think she meant it cause we kept playing songs when im supposed to teach and she's suppoesd to listen) and told me she regret not studying well and hates being in normal tech and gna work hard for poly and she hates her school cause of all the bla bla kids. lol. i missed those times kay yeah but i dont miss tt time when radin kicked my ass awfully painful. slacked. didnt stay out late cause dont want my mum alone at home with sis. duh. slacked and gamed and slept. Thurs today. came to school. maths pop quiz. malay freeeeeeeeeee. played with nick and zik for malay. cause tcher is on mc for 2days and idk where the girls are. eng was funny. lol hilarious. and now im blogging. just waiting for the day to pass. so can break fast and do my hmw and bah what else slack sleep and dream. Fri tomorrow. - same routine. - soccer cca fair. BTW: Katt, email to Ms Loh about your transfer by next Wednesday. - going home late. Oh i wana go bowling. Monday, January 5, 2009 Y 4:21 AM oh hi tday's a bad day. thanks nick i know you dwant to see me suffer and thanks for being there. thanks aisyah for being there always man. idk wht to say im just so gahh. it's crazy when things turn the way you dwant it to be. but you've got to be strong for others though it's your feelings that ends up suffering the hell. i'm just ahh idk wht else to say im so blank. nick's txting trying to bring me up thanks bloody hell. poh's cheering me up, without me realising on msn. i'm so gah. this is crazy. aisyah's giving me until tmr to be myself back. yeah right. i cant even think straight. bye and i love you. Sunday, January 4, 2009 Y 1:54 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() First thing on first day was Aisyah. Yeah. Haha. Funny I was earlierrrrr than that little miss early. Then walked to school and crapped and lalala. Officially the third year woots. Four more yearss. WOOTS. Bring it on. Chey cham paham. Then went to find Nick at the canteeeeen eating. Stole his bananana cake. Yum yum. Haha. Hot in long hair huh. Yeah. Then the rest of the day was not bad. 301 wasnt tht bad de. 'L'-lunch losers. HAHHAHA. Laughing like shit. Kay kinda. Lunch was damn nice. Yeap. Sat with Enormous Emman and Nick. Cool ar made me laughed like shit till I cry. And& Emman was like, HAHAHHA Emman-(Billiee) : Dont cry crying girl I'm here Billy is hereeee. Yanni : HAHAHHA WTH WTH Emman-(Billiee) : I cant rmb my chinese name oh no so I can only rmb my English name which is Billy. How do I spell itt ha. Uhmm Uhhh. Yanni : LOLOLOLOL So meannn. Nick- (-cluck-Yannae!) : -cluck- Yannae! My name is -cluck- Yannae! And how do I spell it, O uhh RR ohh Y EE. Yanni : I'm crying. HAHHAHAH. And the rest of the day wasnt that bad. Still misses 205 cause hahah, Idk, 205's different. We're spontaneous people. Wacko was wacky. Wth so meann bully TZY huh. Hahahha, but it was really fun. Billy dsnt recognise me. That was joke. Then just when I thought my plan fail and there wont be any smile on my face, I told my dad, I dont need to be fetched if you're gna finish that checkup in half an hour's time. Rawr. Boy, I can imagine waiting for him imagining him catwalking to the car and driving off slowly with phone in his hand. So yeah, happy like shit de owhsss. ^^ Home was fine. Hahahhahahahahahah. Saturday sucks and so dead at Wcp. Rawr. And I slept with my Doraeeeeeeee! Sunday today just sucks too. So yeah. Tmr's school peeps. Cant wait to laugh shitx. OHHHHHHHH IM THE YOUNGEST IN CLASS AGAIN. |
colourful ![]() (RED)hayanni I love dark chocolates . I love believing in fairytales . I love my sweethearts . ongoing ESCAPADES \m/DEXNNY♥\m/ Afiqah(Andalus)\m/ Afiqah(GWPSjunior)\m/ \m/AISYAH♥\m/ Angela\m/ Basirah\m/ Casmelin\m/ Charlene\m/ Cheryl Lin\m/ Choy Jing\m/ Christine\m/ Christine(NUSH)\m/ Chua\m/ Dayne\m/ Dillon\m/ Ethel\m/ Farhana\m/ Fatin\m/ Feyra\m/ Firdatullah\m/ \m/GEN♥\m/ Haikal\m/ Harshaana\m/ Hidayah\m/ Hilda\m/ Iffah\m/ Kim\m/ Liyana\m/ Qian Ci\m/ Ryan Ong\m/ Sakeenah\m/ Sarah\m/ Semi\m/ Shahid\m/ Shari\m/ Sourav\m/ Thea\m/ Vanessa\m/ Wardah\m/ Warmil\m/ Widia\m/ XiaoHan\m/ \m/YANNA♥\m/ \m/YU JIA♥\m/ Yu Quan\m/ Yusadilah\m/ Yuwen\m/ Zaki\m/ Zikz\m/ M07105!\m/ into the past %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 %u2605March 2009 %u2605April 2009 %u2605May 2009 %u2605June 2009 %u2605July 2009 %u2605August 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |