Saturday, November 29, 2008 Y 11:26 PM I didnt go Sentosa. Damn sad ar. Wts I really wna meet Bibik Yaya arh. And no gprnts really so gahh silent. No kecoh kecoh arh. So I end up going Johore ytd. Kay ah shoopping and making stupid jokes with my parents. Yeah. "Oh, korang tk tau, malam nnti kan ibu jadi kucing cakar ayah" - Dad. "Kerbau CITY" - Bro. "Belia kebende ah dah tuek2" - Sis. And me and my mum go crazy over lingeries. =.= Like mum like daughter arh lol. HAHAHAHHA. Yeah so many Mats smiled I dnt get why. Mat kentals arrr. Almost got myself Rainbow Sneaks. Yeah, I go crazy over rainbow. Just waittt man. Everything would be rainbow. Kay whatever. I'm so high. HAHAHA. Uu ? LOLOLOLOL. Yeah missing someone many many much. Anyways, NICK'S BDAY ON TUES. Yay. Kay post abt tt ltr. Now my mum say go eat kay lur fine. Maggi dah kembang ah siolx HAHHAHA. Rinahhhhh. I miss your tagggggggies and txtsssssss and you. Friday, November 28, 2008 Y 3:35 AM ![]() ![]() Okay yaw. I've been dead since Tuesday. Greattttttttttttttttt yawwwwwwww. Haahahahaha. I'm back. Yeah, I knw it's obvious kay shh. I shall talk. Today went AMK fr match. Kay heck ar I did okay. Almst shot oneeee. GRRRRRRR. But I was too fast and it was too far anw. So the ball went into goalkeep's hands. Yeahhh. But SHEEEEEEESH. I improved kaaay. Ha. Yeah, my weakness is really tt I've got not enough confidence to solo atw. ANDDDDDDDDDDDDD if some player near me stinks big time. No, I'm serious. I cant stand stinky players. So yeaaah. After tt, went AMK hub sweet talk ar. Haha. Then seniors all wna find job. LOL job hunting but yeahh. Now I knw Huiyin hatessssss admin stuff which is like, to me, the easiest job to do. HAHAHHA. Maybe Huiyin looks too young for anyone to accept her ar lol. Anw, funny why I find friendly matches not funny as compared to when I play on the field with Yr2 guys hahahahha. OMYYYY. SO DAMN JOKE. Laugh laugh atw and not play ar can. xDDD I miss playing like tt. HAHA. But feel extra smtyms when the guys sexist nv pass the ball. I dont like influence. Cause life isn't about just having fun. Tuesday, November 25, 2008 Y 1:25 AM DEARSAYANGLOVECINTAAAAAA. <333 Before I start a proper post. I want to say I miss this girl. If you see this girl, can you tell her where I am. HAHHAHA. Neh, call me laaaaaaaaa. Wts havent hear her voice fr dknw how many days. Kay maybe abt one week the most cause we call every week. Haha heck laaaaaaaaa. Yeah I bloody miss her. And plz, I chose a really nice pic kay. And I havent see her forrrrr. HAHAHAHHA. Abt a week ? She was waving down at me from her room. 9 storeys high. The last time I saw. What makes you think I can see herrrrrrrrr. Kay todaaaaaaaaaaay soccer yay woo. My stomach feeling better I guess. Tht's good. I think. HAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARR SEEYYYYYYYYYY. I'm kinda high. Yeah, along with balloons and flying birds in the sky. =DDDDD I wna draw balloons and birds and aeroplanes and some random meteorite and fireworks. And rainbow. And jamban. And stupid me left my boots in the bookshop. HAHAHHAHAHA. Thanks to Sharmaine. I owe herrrrrr.. I dnt exactly knw yet. But I dnt think she wants a kiss. Went Dhobby Ghaut. HAHAHHA. Really joke uh. Kay I got five bucks yay wee. SENTOSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this weekend baby. I'm so lagg really. Havent been Sentosa for very long. And I dnt think Sentosa got sharks. =P AND YAY. YAYA and my gparents and my fam. It's gna be funny shitx wit my gparents. Friday match ? HAHAHAHA. Yeah my mum say hopefully it's on this time. It's alwz on and off. I notice I dnt synchro my stories in a post. That sucks. No wonder my essays sucks. Whole lot. Monday, November 24, 2008 Y 12:40 AM Eh Rinahhhh ! HAHAHHAA. someone has dialled 911 ~~ Nvm , I'm busaping . But at least it made me laugh for a while. Take care siols. HAHAHHHAHAH. Kay internal joke shut up. I hate yesterday. The mixed feelings all just sucks. Grr. It's like the whole sky on you. And you cant see space. -.- Wts am I talking. Anw, everyone plzz dont txt me kay. DONT TXT ME KAYY. Until I say so. Cause right now, there's alot of things to settle. So when I'm only back with my deardear phone, which is now without any status, then I'll start txting or anything kay. So if you wna reach me, call my home, meet me, mail me (this is the worst choice though) , msn me or whatever it takes to get a msg to me. Be it swimming through the ocean or just scream. * This excludes school meeting and soccer trainings and matters concerning with life and death. And ass, I think I got food poisoning. Great to add on to my probs. Hah. Stomachache shitx ah. It's like someone stabbing you right through. And sometimes, it's so sudden. And to add on, I vomitted twice last night. Gerek pe. Then feel so tipsy weak lah deng. I hate tht feeling. Lucky it was dark. So I fell asleep. -.- Wts no connection. Bah, anw, I dont have any apettite now. And maybe few days to follow. Just no mood to eat lah kay. Like wna throw up everything. Now is already 5+ and my last meal was in the morning. And yeah, ask me if I'm okay, I'll just ans all the same thing. I'm okaaaaaaaaay duh. So yeah, dont ask stupid qsns. Tmr soccer training. Yay. So hyped up. -.- I miss everyone. Ya, I miss school actually. Sleeping in schooooooool on my chair and hard table under the fan in the stuffy classroom. Ya, I've got a bed and two besties sleeping with me every night and yeah, I'm not satisfied. And& I dont get what's so wrong buying a dress. Sunday, November 23, 2008 Y 4:33 AM Hey hello. Shall post a happy post though I'm pretty pissed. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Super pissed hardcore metal basket pecah kepale berdarah. Kay. FRIDAAAAAAAAY was FUN FUN FUN. " IT'S SO BRIGHT LIKE COLGATE ARH " " You're not Kat. You're bat." " Yanni's got a new talent." " blab blab blab. " " He's from third war country." I went for a Which is hopping. Bunny hopping. Power. Then lazy go NUS arrh so went home. =D Went home. Wasey headache ah. Then just bathe and outttttttttttt I went. Madagascaaaaaaaaaaaar. WAHAHHAHA. I guessssss. I like uhmmmmmmmm....... . . . . . . . . . Idcare. Then went dinner with YAYA YAYYYY. and my family all luh duhh. Crap ah. Kay, no. I ate food not crap. Saturday went Geylang. Was feeling plastic the whole day. Uhh I dont know. Then went buy my PHHOONEEEE. Which is now pissing me off shitx. Bloody phone, I love you why must you do this to me?? Really arh. Kay the bloody phone refuse to charge itself. Sent to the shop already and the bloody shop said it's the battery fault. Changed battery already and now, I try charging it wont work. MY CHARGERRR LAHHH I TOLD EVERYONE TT THEY WONT LISTEN. Grr. And stupid USB cable cant work. Please punish me in another waaay. Not anthg tht has got to do with money plz. We've way enough probs with tt. I hate materialism but I kinda am. Kay. Exploding anytime. Really bad. I knw. It's already a good thing there's no super foul words in this post. I remember doing tt when my phone crashed. I wish I could go back to the day. Where I shouldnt have chosen this school. So evrything will change. Cause if it's hard to lose them. It's better not to have them. Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Y 10:27 PM I'm wearing yellow. With doraemon pictures on them. And my cheap shorts. Great. Life at home is super fun! =.= Woots. I'm soooo not going to be a housewife. Nick left Singapore alreaaaaaaady. Stupid. Told him txt me before leaving. My phone didnt even squeak. I miss his sexy AwrRRR alreaaaaaaady. Hahaha. Oh yeah, next year got more Brunei peeps cming. All taking malay. Plz dont seperate me nick aisyah and zik thanks. Oh oh, I didnt know Cikgu thinks that Nick's handsome until script checking last week. WAHAHHAHAH. Cikgu: Eh, tahun depan murid-murid laki Brunei handsome macam awak eh Nick? Nick: -shruggs- Yeah, and obviously the rest burst out laughing like me. Me: KEMBANG TUUU! Oh man, I want to go back to the day we all find rojak at central. I think it's raining here. Haahahahah, next week Madagascar yaaaaaay with Mum Sis Bro. =DDDD I shall fly higggggggggh. Kay Yan so gilerrrrr. Soccer was great yesterday. Had a great laugh really. WAHAHAH. Eh, coach was wearing PATRICK from top to toe siaaaaaaa. Kay, yesterday also kena nagged by my baby. Lol, chills uh baby. I wont die so soon because of that. I'm feeling bettttterrrrrrr actually. Yay! Gen. Gen. Gen. I'm laughing like mad. And& I hate Html. Y 5:10 AM Hello. Tomorrow Nick's leaving for Brunei. I'm sad. Really. Boohoo. BAHH. Kay. I dknw whut to say. Today was simply crazy. School. Was late for test. MUahahhah. Yeah. LOL Gen was really joke. Reminded me of whutever bs I said this whole year. HAHAHHAH. Haiz, kay. I got nth else to talk about. Just lazy kay. And no mood. And yes, Shahid, we've got no life. HAHA. So dead really. Sunday, November 16, 2008 Y 11:03 PM And I deleted my Friendster account . Finally did it ! All whatever gone . So my phone and blog is the only way to contact me . HAHAHA . I shall die in peace . Oh yeah . Katt , sisha ? XD I knw you want them . Y 10:10 PM Fairuz, abang handsome, was more than hott. He has a really sexy voice. BAHH. He's 17 and he smokes. And apparently I knew more about him than my dad does. He's not sec3. Just a sec3 dropout. So, yeah. He's kinda nice, told me about himself, but sadly, we were too shy to talk face-to-face. And I enjoyed talking to him on the phone. MUAHAHHA. Kay, yeah. Actually supposed to go out today buttt NEEK lah. Basket got stomachache. Then Katt felt lazy to go out so yeah now blogging. I'm bored really. Read blogs. Oh I feel like crying after reading Saf / Zul 's blogs. They're bloody sweet can. Super sweet couple. :') Well, Saturday and Sunday was okay. Haha. I was teased so badly about Fairuz. =.= Yeahhh. Nevermind. Watched a lil of Rihanna's concert on my aunt's phone. GRRRRRRRRRR. Bloody hot. I want my hair to be like herrr. Kay, going to rebond soon so yeahh. Wait for my whatever new hairstyle. Oh yes, I'm going to get a new phone. Bah, need a camera badly. Ahh, kay. Here's a song. Rehab by Rihanna. Well, yeah. Shh. Addicted lah seh. Baby, baby When we first met I never felt something so strong You were like my lover and my best friend All wrapped into one, with a ribbon on it And all of a suddenyou went and left I didn't know how to follow It's like a shock That spun me around And now my heart's dead I feel so empty and hollow And I'll never give myself to another The way I gave it to you Don't even recognize The ways you hurt me Do you? It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back And you're the one to blame And now I feel like, oh You're the reason Why I'm thinking I don't wanna smoke on These cigarettes no more I guess that's what I get For wishful thinking Should've never let you enter my door Next time you wanna go on and leave I should just let you go on and do it Cause now I'm using like I bleed It's like I checked into rehab Baby you're my disease It's like I checked into rehab Baby you're my disease I gotta check into rehab 'Cause baby you're my disease I gotta check into rehab 'Cause baby you're my disease Damn,Ain't it crazy When you're loveswept You'll do anything For the one you love 'Cause anytime That you needed me I'd be there It's like You were my favorite drug The only problem is That you was using me In a different way That I was using you But now that I know That it's not meant to be You gotta go I gotta win myself off of you Kay. Just dont feel so high right now. Blehx. I dont know why. Ass lah kay. I need a life. When's the next outing with Yaya and Asrul ?
Friday, November 14, 2008 Y 5:05 PM Oh. I hate bloody stomach cramps. And& I read your post Rinahhhh so bloody sweet. Thanks. I know you mean it. Me too. Will miss you so fking much. Really. But yeah, if you miss me. There's alwz the third floor jamban. Today going some place. Bah Bedok so boring. I really need to clean up siaaaa. Or else I cant go outttttttttttt on Monday. Grrrrrr. ZIK AISYAH NICK PLZ SAYYY ARE WE GOING OUTTT. I'm going to get a new phone. Yay. OH yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. DANIAL ASHRIQ NOW SO HOT CAN. I told my mum.. Handsome seh Danial. She was like.. ?? NOooooo. =.= We have different taste really. And I dont like matreps plz. Thursday, November 13, 2008 Y 11:47 PM Kay. Now listening to hardcore songs. Really, I havent hear them for so looooong. Keep changing because not all suits my ears. OOoOOOoOoo. Tokyo rose not bad ehk. =DDDDDDD Lalalala. I love you too. Less than four. Really, both songs are nice. SO GOOOOOOOOOOD. Emmmm, so today was power really. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. Sleep. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH. No there wasnt any intermission. I just slept. Was really tired. Slept at almost 2 yesterday night. Oh yes. AND& JOHNNY WON. Omy. AND& of course I won. Though my shooting skills all over the place. I just woke up expect me to shoot properly siao. Lucky team members was good. ^^ Congratz guys. You guys made me scream my ass off. I was sitting with Faradians cause the whole class was there so yeah. Then announce "FLEMINGGG!" I ran down from Faradays. Imagine some blue kid coming out from a sea of yellow. And going back after taking prize. ZZZZZZZZZZZ. Joke. And thanks to those of y'all who bought me that prezie/card. I LOVE ITTTTT. Thanks man you guys really know me well. Angela, Charlene, Narme, Mabelle, Cheryllit, Christine and Joelle. It's a handphone stap lah got doll down there. It's a guy yeah naked. It's a sensor actually. Have it now.... Emmmm, it says here... ''It is FLASHING when it receives or sends a call" And the 'It' is yeahhhh the balls. Beb! It's FLASHING. Oh I love this. xD -hecklahstupidsongstartsplayingclickclickchange- ATREYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Falling down now. SHake itt UPp . ShAKe it UPp . =) Oh yes how can I forget. "Emmanuel BOB Hsu" Ownage. Really. That was the greatest laugh. Katt say she never heard me laugh like tt. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH. You should know me by now. I can actually go even louder. I cant believe Emmanuel Hsu did that. He won a medal for some chemistry quiz. Then I guess he add on BOB to his name. AHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAH. Owned. Even Ms Feng didnt talk much about it. She laughed. Oh yes yes... We put all the 200+ bottles in to ''Jaclyn''. Ryan was like, Wahhh my Jaclyn become trash bin alr. So now we know Ryan aint gayy. xD Ohhh. Jaclyn has a big HOLE. Kay, I cannot tahan already. I wana laugh. I need sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep kay bye. PS: I DONT KNOW WHERE THE HELL TO GO ON MONDAY FOR THAT OUTING. PPS: BLOODY HAPPY I DID QUITE WELL FOR CAP. Y 5:26 AM AHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Grrrrr. Jealous oh so sore. The 3 people I love is at RIHANNA's concert. And I'm stuck at home. ASSSSSSSSSS la. Cik Asrul should have really blanja me. And his bro if they all dwant me get lost. xD I'm a baddd superhero. With Aisyah. AHAHHAHA. She wants to eat donuts. I said, kay, we'll find them then. I said tt for her. Went around JE and we didnt find anthg. Our mission failed. :( So we walked back to where we started and yeah. MUKE SARDINE BEB. ahahhahahhahah. OH oh. There was this one minah say, Sape nk budak hijau ni? She passed by us and I heard her say tt. I started laughing shit. xDDD Aisyah was wearing green. WAHAHHAHHAHAHHA. Kay apparently right, my sister was knocked down by those matreps. Well, well. I told her to not find trouble and yeahh. Was knocked down by bicycle lah yeah. My dad was like, Budak kecik ke budak besar? (small kid or big kid?) Get my heartbeat beat beat beatin'! Y 12:27 AM ![]() RIHANNA RIHANNA RIHANNA. Disturbia ( - Rihanna Y 12:03 AM Oh yesterday was really fun. PS3 hahahhaha. I'm not a guitar hero. I'm a suckerrrrrrrr. Oh I suck at guitar hero. Didnt go swimming so lazy raining heavily. Just had fun. Squeezing 12 people in a car. Watched Dora the Explorer. ABRE! PS3. Chips and slacked. Cracked stupid jokes. And& Christine made me forgot that I was at a private housing estate- condo lah. And& she made me laughed like shit I think the highest storey could hear me. Thanks man. Really awesome time. =))) GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I'm going to iritate SHAWALIAAAAAAHHH and HER BOYFFF and KATREEEEEEEENA. For not bringing me to RIHANNAAAAAAAAA's concert. Yes, I'm so jealous. Will disturb(in') yaaaaaaaaa. Oh today was just slack under the RAINN. Kay yes, if I'm getting a fever, it's the school's fault peeps. No one else. Should have the grand stand covered all the way. XD Yes, RUNN baby runn! It was sports day. Tmr too. -looksupatthepost- EEW. Really boring siaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Kay heck nevermind. I need sleep. Someone please sing badly so the rain would pour and I shall sleep for eternity. And& whoever had stolen my striking pwer please give it back I forgot how to strike and I need them tomorrow. WAHHAHAHAHHA. I dont have a bloody ball to practice at home. Guess whut I dont even watch or play soccer at home. NO TIME. NO SPACE. We're running out of time. Just move along. Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Y 7:55 PM NOSEHOLES AND ASSHOLES OF THE EARTH. Ahh, let's see. Kay whatever. Because of KATTREEENAA, my blogskin dknw screwed. This comp also actually quite screwed. Going swimming at AMK later. YESSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAA. NICK NICK NICK NICK and KAT KAT KAT KAT and dknw who else coming. Quick update before those two come find me. Or the whole class actually. HAHAH. Last few days really bullshit. I'm tired uh really. Start with results. I didnt fail. =D Kay done. Over. Somehow I got to know I got more male hormones. MUAHAHHAHA. And only will fix right after giving birth. Cool or what. Tt mean all the pimples will reduce really alot after giving birth. Tts what she says. I dont know. But yeah, maybe I do. My ego now, really big. So hard it only can be melted by few people. My ego is like a guy. OO cool. Worse than Shahid's ? xP No marshmallowww now. Yeah, happy. Happy Laughing all day. Joelle: Are you going swimming Gen? Me: Please say yes. Gen: (Shakes her head) Me: Grr. At least say yes and shake your head. Gen: (Shakes her head) YES. Me: HAHAHHAAHAHHA. Busap you cant do it. Gen: I can (denying the obvious fact) Yeah, Zik taught me how to hold a fork and poke. Zik, you yourself scrwed it tooooooo. But thanks. I'm screwed anyway. Keep dropping things. Yeah yeah great laugh see me eat rojak. HAHAHHA. And Nick wants to buy me a bus for my bday. =DDDDDD And I taught I saw Lee Kuan Yew in a red shirt on a bike really. Kay shh. My mum laughed like shit when I asked her was that really Lee Kuan Yew. Yeah. HAHAHAH. But I saw Firdaus on a bike really kayyyyy. Well, maybe because tt guy wears a red jersey with his name on. NEHHHH, I knew it was Firdaus anw. XD And apparently, my sister slapped some matrep. HAHHAHAH. Cool or whut. Then she say the leader of the matreps there was effing hot she wished to be slapped by him. HHAHAHAHHA. Kay, she says he was like angmoh-ish malay so yeah. Can understand. HAHAHHAH. If me, I dont even bother to look at them just walk away when they call. Yeah tt was what happen last week. Btw, their age is arnd 16-18 so PRO SIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. my sis. Kay, watched HSM3. Troy Bolton was effing hot stuff and sweet. Shhh, I kinda cried. Cause he was really really sweet. "My prom is wherever you are" and he lead Gabriella in a waltz under the tree. Cry Cry Cry Cry Cry. And I'm gona do all the crazy things everyday cause I'm realy wild and decent and just bored. And yeah. I'm happy. But just this one thing bugging me. Gahh. And because of this one thing... All fall down. All fall down. And I shall wipe my tears away and give it to you. For you to remember how much I love you. For you to remember how much you meant to me. Just all fall down. I know it's harder for you. But for me, ahhh. Being the first to knw. Oh yes actually there's a lot to say. But nvm. 205 waiting in the canteen. :D Baby I miss you. ^^ Y 7:45 PM Kay. This is whut you get when you play with Html and yeah. Joke actually. Screw things up. Grr. Post something full later. Get my bloody skin fixed. Sunday, November 9, 2008 Y 2:53 AM
"I miss my -thepicture- Always. Forever." Yep yep. I drew tt. Still have it with me. Really. Oh shit. I rmb all the shitx now. How much I cried. Non stop. My face so pale. Tt was on 4 July. Oh yeah, people say, smile too much and you'll have to cry later. It's really true. Sometimes, I'm just scared to smile already. And I still rmb how the name Monster came about. On the night, couldnt sleep. Was txting so yeah. Oh Monster ate so much. So much that he forgot to ask me too. And I still rmb the day bfore the second time I emo-ed like shit. It was a Thurs! I alwz meet Monster on Thurs. Well, most of the time. Haha. And Monster sang, I almst fell asleep. Cause I was sick tt time. And we saw apek with shit on his pants. HAHAHA. Then I ran back, ran back to class. Where have you been ? Toilet cher. WAHAHAHHAHA. 20 mins late. How abt tt. And the next few days, I only knew. I only knew. And I miss Monster so much. And I still rmb the day, the period of time I got really sick. That whole week was just up and down fever. And on the Friday, somewhere in my heart, I wished to see Monster. I almost gave up. Cause there was no way our paths would clash tt day. But, I was in the MRT, when I saw him waiting at the platform. Oh, I was so happy. And yes, that was the last day. My fever just ceased like tt. Poof ! But Monster, being a monster, do sometimes draw a frown on my face. Yeah, then the day after, it's always a sorry. And I never failed to forgive. Cause I've just seen so many of him. So many. Too many. Oh, and he's sweet too. SugarMons. Nice. Ahaha. Well, Sugar represent the very very very best part of Monster. Yeap, very very very best that I like. But now, everything is just gone. Not really everything but to me, I just dont see him being Sugar anymore. Like, Monster's just being Monster now. No more Sugar to me. I dont know why. Patience, one thing maybe all monsters lack. I just dont know. Sometimes, I would fall for Monster. Sometimes, he would just make me think that he's an asshole. If only he knows what does patience means, I wont suffer missing him so much. Till I talked in sleep, till I sleeptxted him. Am I still your best friend ? Am I still your first priority ? I just wished. I could rewind time. And make it right. So I dont suffer too much. Too much. Monster loves green. Tt's why this post is in green. :') I'm still missing you. It takes time to heal. The Monster I knew and the Sugar I miss
Y 1:27 AM Hello. Went Seoul Garden with Bibik Yaya and Cik Asrul. And we talked about hot guys and love and Abg Asri. xD I love them. Let's talk abt themmmm. Well, Bibik Yaya my best best best aunt and my best friend. =D She's like me. We love digging our ears. Teehee. And we dont have anything hidden. I know her major problems and secrets, no one else does. Cik Asrul basically pampers me. ^^ I love tt. He blanja Seoul Garden yesterday. It's on a weekend. SO yeahhhhhhhh. Then, he asked me, What do you want for your bday? He continued, MP3, MP4, handphone ? OMGGGGG. He offfered those things for my bdayy. Abg Asri ? I dont know anything about him. Except tt I knew Dear Whoever from him. Except tt I knew he's hot. Except tt I knew he loves milk. Susuuuu anyone ? Except tt I knew he's 17 and he's in some ITE. And Bibik Yaya wont intro. Says she want to let us meet outside and just bcome steady like tt. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Iskanda from CWP Seoul Garden is bloody HOT STUFF. Yeah, actly only his eyelashes. He's short. So no no. Bibik Yaya and Cik Asrul were like, Go ask for number laa. xD Kkay, tts all. Thx Fi and Zik. =) Oh oh rainbows and jamban. Thursday, November 6, 2008 Y 4:58 AM Hey yaw. Nick's lame siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. XDDDD Kay, nvm. 2 days of his bs. Really cool siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I need a date with baby. Period. Got lots lots to tell. Tday was fun. At least I stayed to taste my BBQed marshmallow kayyy. Only one marshmallow successfully BBQed got into my mouth. All fail. Ass. And yeah, under the covers !!! HEHE. Ass, a lot girls wna do it with me. WTFFFFS. Yeahhh. Tt's a nice update lah kay. Tmr enjoyx at padang. Yay. Breathe. Go die. And& I love my class guys. They listened and give good advice. xD Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Y 4:43 AM Oh well hello. History repeats. Bloody cool huh. But we didnt feel guilty. We enjoyed itttttt. ^^ Poh. Thanks for the advice. LOLLLLL. Ryan. Go make love with yourself. Fetch Nick at City Hall. Cause I basket didnt arrive Clementi on time. Yeah then he didnt tell me the whole class going Wild wild Wet. Say he felt lazy. So yeah, I didnt know. Grrrrrrrrrr. Went around freaking White Sands at E!Hub. EEEE! HUB. Kay, shhhh. xD Then thought of calling Zik down watch movie. Bloody White Sands didnt have cinema. Wanted town but heck care. Then wanted Bedok ask Zik again. End up went chalet watch HULKKKKK. Great. It was fun. HAHHAHHAHAHA. Really lah. :) Nick made me laugh shit yay! Went home. I'm tired. Really. Want to talk to my aunt. SHE BOUGHT TIX TO RIHANNA'S CONCERT AND NEVER TELL ME. Was calling her BACHEEEN all the way. She called me back too. Showed her my money and she say, BACHEEEEN. HAHHAHAHAHHAH Nice joke. Can we go out with Cik Asrul and his 17 year old bro plzzzzzzzzzz. xDDDD JKJK. Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Y 5:08 AM I LOVE MY BABY. I'll be there for you. \m/ I need an outing with Bibik Yaya. Kay, clementi at 1130 tmr. Great. Great. My sleep. Sunday, November 2, 2008 Y 8:13 PM Hey ho. Trigo's done. Haha, I'm happy kinda. See my clown smile ? Sorry guys (205), was busy and down with headache. Yeah, trembling all the way in trigo paper. Don't ask why, I don't know. ![]() And yeah, Katt. I shall make you happy. Your name's here. That's a pic of us. =D Cause you're my minah. Don't ever leave me. I do love you very very much. Aisyah, I miss you. Really. I shall set a side a day for only two of us. All crap kay. Aisyah, hell you don't know how much you mean to me. Though I never show it. And I miss Nick. Being with the Zikyansyah & Nick in Malay. Gahhh. I want to have you guys only for malay next year. Please ? Haiz. I miss the crappy jokes we all had. How we all are so timid in front of cikgu and so wild together when no one's looking. And I miss classes with 205. 205 205 can't love another class more. And I miss soccer. That's when I get to be my crazy part of me. Me as the baby. Baby striker. Imagine a baby striker kicking and jumping around in air. That's me. The free Yanni, all hyper and giler. And I miss all the good times all the laughs the smile the love the joy. Cause that makes one a human. Neh, actually more than just that. -looksupatthepost- Oh, I sound so emo. Kay, shall laugh now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I watched the Reaper. I think the Devil's wrong. Sarcasm is the highest class of words. This for all people out there. I find this song really sweet. Yeah. Enjoy peeps ! I love love this song. Have been playing it like shit. I just need your smile. Cause your smile meant a lot. A happy you is all I need. Y 1:22 AM Hahaha. Yay, Zik updated. Rmb, 10 posts bfore my bday! And my name in your nxt post! WAHAHAHA. I'm busap, really. Kay, I'm really hungry. Tts it for tday. =D Gna disturb whoever I can later. Weehee. Yes, I'm aaaaa irritating bug. Rminds me of Mr Murali, paraaasite paaartner. Trigo tmr! Trigo tmr! Study abitt. Later. Hehe. Jiayous all. I miss classes. And chionging stuff. And soccer. I MISS -iforgotmycoachname- Kay, bye. Y 1:21 AM Hey hello. This is whut you get if you are bored. And bored of your old blog. And bored. Simply bored. BOOOOhhhhhREEED. xzxyawnzxz. Kay. And this is whut you get if you crap too much. You laugh like shit. *Ұαи вϋттзЯнїяδ* says: wna see my blog? [b][c=14]ZiKKK[/c=12][/b] says: aight *Ұαи вϋттзЯнїяδ* says: *Ұαи вϋттзЯнїяδ* says: havnt post anth yet though. [b][c=14]ZiKKK[/c=12][/b] says: that's the 2nd time this week i tagged a blog with no posts *Ұαи вϋттзЯнїяδ* says: kay. *Ұαи вϋттзЯнїяδ* says: this is the second time u made me laugh like shit. [b][c=14]ZiKKK[/c=12][/b] says: how much shit do you have *Ұαи вϋттзЯнїяδ* says: Idk. Smlmnye blum kluar. [b][c=14]ZiKKK[/c=12][/b] says: hahaha [b][c=14]ZiKKK[/c=12][/b] says: no wonder. Zik. Some busap I found on the street. Nah, Just kidding. HAHAHHAHAH. I'm the busap one. |
colourful ![]() (RED)hayanni I love dark chocolates . I love believing in fairytales . I love my sweethearts . ongoing ESCAPADES \m/DEXNNY♥\m/ Afiqah(Andalus)\m/ Afiqah(GWPSjunior)\m/ \m/AISYAH♥\m/ Angela\m/ Basirah\m/ Casmelin\m/ Charlene\m/ Cheryl Lin\m/ Choy Jing\m/ Christine\m/ Christine(NUSH)\m/ Chua\m/ Dayne\m/ Dillon\m/ Ethel\m/ Farhana\m/ Fatin\m/ Feyra\m/ Firdatullah\m/ \m/GEN♥\m/ Haikal\m/ Harshaana\m/ Hidayah\m/ Hilda\m/ Iffah\m/ Kim\m/ Liyana\m/ Qian Ci\m/ Ryan Ong\m/ Sakeenah\m/ Sarah\m/ Semi\m/ Shahid\m/ Shari\m/ Sourav\m/ Thea\m/ Vanessa\m/ Wardah\m/ Warmil\m/ Widia\m/ XiaoHan\m/ \m/YANNA♥\m/ \m/YU JIA♥\m/ Yu Quan\m/ Yusadilah\m/ Yuwen\m/ Zaki\m/ Zikz\m/ M07105!\m/ into the past %u2605November 2008 %u2605December 2008 %u2605January 2009 %u2605February 2009 %u2605March 2009 %u2605April 2009 %u2605May 2009 %u2605June 2009 %u2605July 2009 %u2605August 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |